"Thanks nana." Dede kissed Beatrice on the cheek before running off with Lapis following.

"Yes, mission time." Lapis cheered when they were in a secluded spot, making Dede laugh a bit before she answered the call.

"Atomic Candy, it's bad news. Your ship's been hijacked with X-5 and Sparky on board. We think it's a trap." Admiral DeGill said straight away.

"Are you sure?" Dede asked before her screen shifts to Captain Chuck's TV show

"Welcome back to our secret trap where we destroy Atomic Candy for your viewing pleasure!" Captain Chuck said.

"Yes, we're rather sure." Admiral DeGill says.

"If Maximus wants a show, I'll give him one. But it's gotta be quick. I'm helping set up for a youth group."

"I can join her on this mission, right Admiral?" Lapis asked.

"Ah.. yes. Your training has been going well so we promised you could go." Admiral DeGill said. "Good luck, Atomic Candy and Lapis!"

At Maximus's citadel, the spaceship is grabbed by Dr. Cerebral's weapon arm.

"Behold! I present you Atomic Candy!" Dr. Cerebral said as the crowd cheered for a moment. Then X-5 and Sparky run out of the ship covered in jello. A wave of jello covers Cerebral, Minimus, and Captain Chuck.

"No Candy, no points!" Says Maximus as Cerebral cleans his glass dome and Minimus tastes the jello.

"I give him 1 point!" Says evil minimus before switching to good minimus. "Oh, 7 for the cake! Oh, delish!"

"There are 438 villains in this room. I suspect we should leave immediately. To the ship!" X-5 says but before he and Sparky can get on the ship, Dr. Cerebral presses a button and the ship is taken out of the show and sent flying by the mechanical arm. "Right. Onto plan B. Run!"

"You are all under arrest!" Candy's voice rang out as she arrived on her Space Cycle. With Lapis behind her. "I order you to surrender, and make it fast! I have an event waiting!" A cage forms, trapping her inside.

"Welcome to my new reality show, where the reality is... YOU AREN'T GOING TO ANY EVENT!" Maximus laughed before he pressed a button and a cage lowered onto the stage, trapping her inside.

"I challenge Atomic Betty to a jungle wrestling combat!" Iciclia says as she walked on stage.

"Excellent! A little rumble in the jungle! I love it!" Candy's cage disappears and turns into a wrestling ring. Even her Space Cycle freezes and breaks. Iciclia jumps into the ring to get ready. But Suddenly, Nuclea appears.

"Pathetic, darling!" Nuclea pushes Iciclia aside. "This is how we destroy an enemy!l She shoots lighting at Candy and Lapis but they dodge it. The shot sets a plant on fire.

"I'm not scared of you, Iciclia. But Nuclea, she's dangerous." Dede taunted as Lapis ran to find Sparky and X-5z

"Her? Ha! She could light up 41 Vault!" Iciclia scoffed as Nuclea shoots lightning at her and she ducks.

"Girls! Girls! Remember: You're trying to destroy me!"

"She's right!" They both then shoot out their respective attacks of lightning and ice at Candy as she jumps over them. This causes the female supervillains to get hurt.

"That was fun." Dede giggled.

"Incompetent fools! No points!" Spat Maximus. "You're all pathetic! I should just do the job myself!"

"Oh, oh! No can do, Boss!" Good minimus said as he finds the rule book and reads it. "The rules state: Judges can't be contestants at the same time."

"Remember, you wrote the rules." Said evil minimus before Maximus takes the book and hits him in the head.

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