Chapter Seventy-Two

Start from the beginning

        "Yes, come on, it's our last day before our vacation," I coaxed.

        "But mommy," he mumbled. Fair point.

        I bent down and kissed his forehead. "I know, but it's just one day. We can make it. Besides, there's going to be cake."

        Grayson groaned and stiffly sat up, rubbing his shoulder. I blushed, because even though I was the one who had said it was okay, he really shouldn't be allowed to go shirtless.

        "I'm going to go see Kylie, okay?" I said, slipping on my shoes. Leaving was mostly to distract myself before something stupid happened.

        "That means I won't see you all morning," he yawned, stretching.

        "Yeah, but we'll hang out at the reception," I reminded him. "Not forever."

        He slowly nodded, still in a tired haze. Then he leaned forward and hugged me, murmuring, "I'll see you at our wedding, Jacks."

        "Okay. See you then," I said, quickly hugging him back. "Have a good morning."

        "You too," he said, smiling. I waved as I slipped out of the room, knowing it would be a long morning from here on out.

        I'd barely touched the door when Kylie yanked it open. Her phone in her hand, her glasses on, and no makeup. It was a dire situation.

        "Thank goodness. I know you two are insanely attracted to each other, but it's really not cool to be late to your wedding," she said, physically pulling me into the room.

        I blushed. "That's not why I'm late!"

        "Sure. Firstly, here's your robe," she said, pulling it out of a box and entirely dismissing the truth. "Put it on."

        I quickly changed, noting how the room had been cleaned up. There was not a shred of evidence that girls' night had ever happened. Now the room was bathed in candles and flowers, along with white ribbons. Everything screamed bride.

        "Where's Nina?" I asked, tying the belt around my waist.

        Kylie muttered something under her breath before saying, "She's acquiring something. She should be here in like, five minutes."

        "Okay, good. I have presents for you guys," I said, excited. At least marrying Grayson gave me the ability to play bride. Meaning I got a crew of bridesmaids who also got to play along with me.

        "We're here!" Nina cried, bursting into the room.

        "We?" I asked abruptly, turning around.

        I fell silent as Laura waltzed through the doorway, spreading her arms as if she was the bearer of all good news, perhaps even the bride herself. Kylie and Nina stopped moving too, watching with wary gazes.

        "Darling, you look wonderful," Laura said softly, stepping towards me. I took a step back to match hers, bumping into the wall behind me. Panic crawled up my throat, begging for more room to appear behind me so I could put some distance between us.

        "Wonderful?" I asked hardly. "How so?"

        "You have that beautiful glow of a bride so in love, so happy," she mused, cupping my face in her cold, slimy hands. I cringed, cringing even further when I felt her cold wedding ring on my skin.

        I forced a twisted smile. "Perhaps my glow would be brighter if I wasn't so stressed trying to keep my best friend safe," I replied, keeping one eye on Kylie. The poor girl was shaking, gripping the hairbrush in her hands. 

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