Chapter 2:Kaon

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Chapter 2 coming at ya, this one will hopefully be a bit longer than the last one...

Anyway enjoy the chapter.


*Yawns* As Orion woke up he walked out of his berthroom straight into the kitchen to make some breakfast for himself, he took out an old Iaconian cook book that Alpha Trion gave him and started cooking.

Once he finished he ate his food and went straight into the city. "Hmm I should probably first explore Kaon before looking for Megatronus and working with him, atleast this way I can learn my environment. "Orion stated as he continued walking through the city and crashed into Ratchet and one of his friends, I believe he was called Jazz.

"Sorry about that I wasn't quite looking where I was going." Orion apologized before looking up and realizing who the cybertronian are who he had bumped into.

"Its okay Orion. Don't worry yourself." Jazz said when Orion finally realized who he was talking to.

"Jazz, Ratchet I'm surprised to see you two here, well the fact that your together shocks me the most actually. "Orion said, as he was giggling the last part.

"Hello Orion and it can't be that much of a shock." Ratchet exclaimed.

After that statement Orion said curiously "I'm just joking, so why are you two together and may I ask where you are going."

Jazz laughed and said, "Were heading to the stadium to watch the gladiators battles today, you can come with if you'd like we have an extra ticket."

Orion smiled and said, "That would be really fun thanks Jazz, but I still have to explore Kaon and get to know the place."

"Me and Jazz will show you around afterwards Orion don't worry yourself." Ratchet said before Orion could begin to wonder or panic about the situation.

Orion laughed and said, "Okay fine I'll come with." Orion said giving in to the temptation and finally relieved his stress as well.

Afterwards they all talked and laughed a little as they were walking towards the stadium when they arrived, you could actually hear how the fans and others cybertronian's are yelling and screaming as they applause the gladiators.

"Wow their are more people than I first thought. "Orion said to Ratchet and Jazz as they gave their tickets and went to go take their seats in the stadium.

After a few tough and brutal games in the pits of Kaon one particular mech and or match stood out to Orion and that was Megatronus vs Trailbreaker and not just because it was the exitingest and best match of the day, but because Megatronus was a competitor in this particular match.

After the match Orion immediately had to run out of the stadium because he had just received a very important message.

But just as he saw the exit he ran into the mech everyone dreamed of having and dating. Megatronus.

Before Orion could see who the mech was he quickly apologized and said, "I'm so so so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going and I am sort of in a rus-" But before Orion could finish his sentence Megatronus replied with, "Do not worry young one I can see you are in a rush to somewhere so you do not have to apologize."

Orion smiled as Megatronus replied to his apology and said, "Thank you, but I still think I should have watched where I was going and that the apology was needed

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Orion smiled as Megatronus replied to his apology and said, "Thank you, but I still think I should have watched where I was going and that the apology was needed." Orion said sincerely to Megatronus.

Megatronus chuckled a bit by that statement Orion made, because he could not believe how a cybertronian could be so apologetic and nice at the same time, then it hit him like a rock falling off from a building on to his head, Orion was not from Kaon he was from Iacon he was an Iaconian he then mustered up the strength to ask him, "Are you from Iacon and might I ask what your name is its kind of strange to talk to someone without knowing their name."

Orion looked curiously at him and said, "My name is Orion and yes I am from Iaconian I came here for a job for my work at the Archives in Iacon City, and some of my friends are here as well. "He finished his sentence with that statement and smiled at Megatronus. He really was a kind mech even in person Orion had thought.

"Nice to meet you Orion I am Megatronus as you might have already knew, and weren't you in a rush to get somewhere." Megatronus said and Orion quickly remembered, said goodbye and ran off to who knows where, hopefully Orion does.

Orion quickly stopped after realizing he was running but getting no where and cam to a conclusion that he was lost.

"Oh no, I knew I should have learned and explored Kaon instead of going to the match." Orion pouted and accidently dropped one of his data pads, then he suddenly felt a tap on his shouldered scared Orion jumped up and saw Soundwave, but what Orion did not know who Soundwave was and was quite frightened, by the black and purple mech.

"Umm can I you with something?" Orion asked nervously unsure of what was going on. "No, but can I help you?" Soundwave said in a bunch of different voices due to the fact that he could not talk on his own.

"Actually Yes." Orion said not so scared of the mech infront of him and said, "I am kind of lost, could you please help me." He asked the purple and black mech Soundwave.

"Where do you need to go?" Soundwave asked Orion, and Orion quickly explained that he wanted to go to his apartment and that this was his first time in Kaon and he forgot where the building was he said it was called Kaoplex.

Soundwave nodded and took Orion straight to the apartment building as he knew the path, while they were walking they talked and Soundwave asked if Orion was Iaconian he nodded and told Soundwave what his name was and why he was here and Soundwave did the same when they arrived at the building Orion said, "Thank you very much Soundwave it was nice meeting hope you have a good day further bye." Orion greeted him and went to his apartment, to his berthroom and laid down, "Hopefully tomorrow won't be as interesting as today, yea lets say that.*yawns* its getting pretty late I'm going to recharge." Orion said closed his optics and felll right into recharge.

" Orion said closed his optics and felll right into recharge

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Hope you enjoyed the chapter sorry about delay exams again-


Word Count: 1124

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