☀️Issue#9:Just You & Me☀️

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Marvel Comics and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Marvel Comics and the artist(s)

[The following chapter is mainly going to focus on Edgar and Kara, so don't expect anything loco]

Edgar groans as he turns to the left side of his bed to turn away from the sunlight that shines through his curtains; he wasn't exactly a morning person despite being the avatar to a literal God of light, sometimes he could even faintly hear Rao chuckling at his grumpy attitude

Still through all of this, Edgar picks up the faint smell of pancakes coming from his kitchen as he sighs and gets up from his ever so comfortable bed wearing some shorts alas being too lazy to even put a shirt on as Edgar much to his surprise sees Kara making breakfast and singing to herself

Kara:🎶'Cause nothing feels as real when we're connected, baby all I wanna do is coast with you🎶

Kara unaware that Edgar is standing right behind her turns around with a stack of blueberry pancakes on a plate in her left hand as she accidentally bumps into him causing the pancakes to go flying up into the air, Edgar effortlessly catches the plate and holds it out catching every pancake that was sent flying up with ease

"I believe this belongs to you.."

He says while holding out the plate for Kara to take as she nervously smiles and awkwardly takes the plate from Edgar's hand; a faint embarrassed blush spreading through her face

Kara:I was going to take these to your room..I didn't know what kind of pancakes you liked sooo..

She tilts her head to the right as Edgar turns around seeing two different stacks of pancakes consisting of chocolate chip and just regular ones; he definitely wasn't excepting this kind of morning as Kara walks past him and sets the plate down on the table

Kara:I know this isn't enough to even say 'thank you' for letting me stay with you but I wanted to make you breakfast..

Edgar was used to just eating toast and scrambled eggs in the morning with a normal cup of coffee but this was a nice change to see as he walked over to the table and sat across from Kara, a cup of coffee was already set next to his plate with utensils on the sides..even napkins were there

Edgar glances up at Kara who is just looking back at him with anticipation as Edgar puts a couple of pancakes from each stack and cuts through them before taking a bite; he had to admit that these were some surprisingly very good pancakes

Kara:Soo..do you like it? Do you want me to change anything about them?

Edgar grabs his cup of coffee and takes a long sip seeing no difference in it

"There's nothing wrong with them if that's what you're really asking, Kara"

Kara gives a small satisfied smile, she was glad that Edgar liked them..when she woke up this morning she immediately realized that he didn't have enough food so when she found out that their money was the same as the one from her universe; well you can already guess what she did

Kara:I'm sorry if this comes off as a bit blunt but..you were you always so..

She says while gesturing to Edgar's height and body as he chuckles a bit and nods his head 'yes'

"I used to work with my viejo every day and I needed to get stronger to lift some of the heavy stuff, as for the height thing..I got that from my abuelo"

Their height genetics usually skipped a generation but Edgar knew that in every Hernández photo ever taken, there was already that one tall relative and he was fortunate to be the lucky one in the family

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