☀️Issue#6:Helping A Friend Out☀️

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Marvel Comics and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Marvel Comics and the artist(s)

Edgar in his normal clothes paces back and forth walking on nothing but an invisible ground as he speaks to the being who had given him this power in the first place in exchange for his servitude, Rao the god of light and life

"I just don't understand, he comes at me telling me that I have to sign some stupid paper in order to be a superhero. And now I am fugitive because of what I chose to stand up for"

Edgar by no means was he going to change his mind about adding his name to the superhero registration act, he was planning on sticking to it until the very end

"I asked for these powers to do one thing, to protect the people that needed help and look at me now. I took on the Hulk and Sentry and this is what I get in return?"

Edgar finally stops his pacing as he takes a deep breath and runs his hands through his hair before looking back at Rao who finally decides to say something

Rao:You should have been aware of what was to come, you have been given more power then any normal human has ever dreamed of..the world fears what it does not understand..

Rao shrinks himself down to meet Edgar's height level as Rao puts his hand on Edgar's shoulder

Rao:But you are correct about one thing, Edgar. You do this and ask nothing in return..but you must ask yourself this; what's going to happen when humanity no longer needs a protector such as yourself?

Edgar hadn't really thought about that although he had only had these powers for quite awhile now, he was focused on helping people he didn't stop to think that one day they may not need not only him but all of the superheroes yet still he replied back

"If that does happen..then I'll be ready for it. You're right maybe one day they won't need me or anyone else but until that day comes..I'll do always protect my world"

Rao didn't say anything as he just stared at his avatar sensing that he had made the right choice in picking him; a man determined to protect the people but he could also see that Edgar was a bit lonely..he had no significant other but alas that question was for another time as Rao waved his hand sending Edgar back to his somewhat decent apartment in New York


Peter Parker, a man who had was given power to help the little guy; a well respected man who trusted Tony Stark and revealed his identity to the entire world telling everyone that he was in fact the spectacular Spider-Man but in doing so the consequences soon followed as his aunt May now laid in the hospital bed

Peter had defected from Tony's side during the superhero civil war and in doing so, he became a fugitive unable to help his only family member that was clinging onto her life inside of a hospital

As we see a disguised Peter Parker sticking to a wall peeking through a window to see his aunt laying in a hospital bed with a doctor and nurse talking to each other as Peter starts to talk to himself

Peter:Damn you, Stark! Thanks to you and your stupid registration act, im a fugitive! Everyone knows im Spider-Man and when my enemies came after me my aunt May paid the price!

Peter climbs up the side of the hospital and makes it up to the roof and goes on feeling the guilt and anger coursing through his body

Peter:You promised me! Said my family would be safe! Said you were a 'futurist' that you saw what was coming! Well, did you see this?! Did you ever stop and think what'd happen to May Parker?!

The Avatar Of Rao (Marvel Comics)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon