☀️Issue#14:Mopping The Floor☀️

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Marvel Comics and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Marvel Comics and the artist(s)

Solis grabs Iron Man by the back of his head and slams it into the ground before kicking him away, Wonder Man uses this chance to put Solis into a headlock as they both start to squirm around with one trying to get free from the other as Wonder Man tries to get to Solis

Wonder Man:Stop! I don't want to hurt you but if you keep resisting then I'll have to--

Wonder Man is met by a elbow to the stomach as he stumbles back having actually felt that; Solis spins around and winds up an uppercut which sends Wonder Man off the ground and high up into the sky as Solis decides to give chase to the man, Superwoman blocks a left hook from She-Hulk with her wrist as the green gamma powered woman brings her knee up to Superwoman's stomach

Luckily being faster than She-Hulk, Superwoman kicks her back a bit gaining some space between them and all of the other heroines; Captain Marvel clenches her fists together and holds out both of her hands as she blasts Superwoman with her photonic energy. Yet Superwoman holds both of her arms up and blocks the blast of energy and starts to walk through it as it forces Captain Marvel to add even more

Captain Marvel:*There's no way she can keep this up forever! I just need to keep her busy while--*

Alas Captain Marvel is proved wrong as Superwoman appears behind her and is tackled from behind by Superwoman, the two women slam into the ground as both She-Hulk and Tigra rush in to get the jump on Superwoman. She-Hulk grabs Superwoman by her cape and yanks her back causing her to spin around and blast She-Hulk with her heat vision

She-Hulk is barely able to block it with her arms but she could already feel the intense heat burning away at her green skin as she screamed out in pain; Superwoman seeing her advantage and poured more force into her heat vision as She-Hulk had no choice but to get knocked down to the ground by Superwoman

Superwoman:I don't think any of you understand just how outmatched you are against me, I may only be half as strong as Solis but in the end it's enough to deal with you

And speaking of Solis, we turn back to his fight against Wonder Man as Solis goes in and hits Wonder Man with a hard left followed by a right then a spin kick across the face; Wonder Man spins out of control allowing Solis to use his freeze breath to encase Wonder Man into some ice though if it wasn't for Wonder Man's pacifism then this fight would've dragged on longer than intended

Solis is suddenly blasted from behind as he turns his head back to see Iron Man with both his repulsors aimed on him; Solis responds by swiftly grabbing Iron Man's faceplate and rips it off like it is tinfoil as he stares the man down

"We've done this before. How many more times do we need to do this for you to understand that you can't beat me"

If anything this entire encounter was getting on Solis' nerves; the repulsors start to charge up as Solis just rockets Iron Man back down where this all started at super speed, the Avenger is tossed like a ragdoll as he bounces off the ground and barely manages to stop himself

Having no other choice, Iron Man presses a button on his wrist calling something to his coordinates but not before looking as we see She-Hulk, Ms Marvel and Tigra all out cold and piled up with Superwoman standing over the defeated heroines

"Any trouble dealing with them?'

Solis asks Superwoman as she shakes her head 'no' and wipes a little bit of blood from her bottom lip courtesy of their last valiant attempt to subdue her but given the results we know how that went; they hear a loud *CLANK* as we Iron Man now dawning his Hulkbuster suit, Solis knew all about this suit mainly because of the fight against the Hulk that got him caught in the crossfire

Hulkbuster:Alright, im done messing around! You want a fight? Then come and get me!!

Solis said nothing in return as he cracked his neck as the Hulkbuster came charging straight at him yet it all happened so fast; it was almost instantaneous as Tony just found himself wearing the spandex that covered his body as he tried to process what was happening

The Avenger turned around as his eyes widen in absolute disbelief at what was standing before him and it was none other than his Hulkbuster suit with a big hole right in the center of it; the heavy metal suit fell face forward as Tony just stood there unable to say anything at all

"It was never a fair fight between us, Tony. I hope you remember that the next time you try and pick a fight with me"

Tony fell to his knees feeling utterly defeated but he could hear the bystanders clapping and cheering at Solis and Superwoman; the people were happy to see someone like Tony Stark finally get humbled by a superhero that didn't want to be a puppet towards an empty cause


"Not that im complaining but what do you need from me?"

Rao hummed as he lowered himself down to meet Edgar's height as the all-powerful Elder God replied back to his avatar

Rao:What makes you think that I need something from you? Perhaps I only wish to check on your well-being..

Edgar raised an eyebrow at Rao clearly not buying into it as the Elder God sighed at the fact that Edgar was right about this

Rao:I have sensed a rather disturbing conflict in another universe, I wish you to investigate and subdue that disturbance

This clearly got Edgar's attention as he continued to listen to what Rao had to say as a series of images were displayed before him

Rao:In this particular universe, a fight is about is breakout and it will cause many deaths. You must stop the one they call Omni-Man...

That is when we see this 'Omni-Man' talking to someone younger and by the looks of it; it would appear to be his son and by the looks of it..the conversation was not going well at all

Rao:He will prove to be quite the opponent alas it is up to you to subdue him and protect the son who goes by 'Invincible'

Edgar almost laughed at the name but decided not to do anything seeing how it was considered rude especially in this situation as his first thought was to bring Kara along shook his head; he trusted her to keep Earth safe in his short absence

Rao:In the future, I will be sending you to different universes. There are many worlds out there that need your aid, Edgar..

Edgar nodded his head fully understanding; his obligations don't end at the border of his own universe. If he could help in any of them then he would gladly do so as Rao waved his hand, a bright golden portal opened up as Edgar took a deep breath and dawned his Solis costume as he stepped through the portal

Rao:Try not to go overboard, Edgar..

Solis turned back to say something to Rao but it was too late as the golden portal closed; he muttered some words to him before turning his attention back to his new universe, now all he had to do was find this 'Omni-Man' and stop him before things escalated to unforseen levels

To be continued...

The Avatar Of Rao (Marvel Comics)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ