☀️Issue#3:Time To Play God☀️

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Marvel Comics and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Marvel Comics and the artist(s)

[Shout-out to MK11_EGY for coming up with superhero name 'Solis' since it actually does make sense given Edgar is serving a literal Sun God]

Edgar stood across from Sentry as he tried to figure out a superhero name that didn't sound too cliche or off to anyone as one came to his mind as Edgar told the Sentry

"You can call me..Solis"

Sentry raised an eyebrow acknowledging the name and nodded his head liking the sound of it but now that brought Solis back to the main reason why he was here

As Solis brushed his hand against his nose and took a step forward as he could see that Sentry was watching everything going on with the Hulk on his television which just so happened to be broadcasted all over the world

"We both know why im here, Sentry.."

The look of panic was soon to be brought out in the Sentry's eyes as Solis laid his hand on the golden heroes right shoulder

"You have agoraphobia, right? You're afraid of stepping outside because of what you'll do everyone around you.."

Solis was aware of what agoraphobia meant to someone like Sentry, he had dealt with this when his father didn't want to step outside of the apartment

But for someone like the Sentry, that was entirely different situation..one of the most powerful men on the planet was afraid that he'd lose control of his own power

"My father went through something like this..he was afraid of going outside because of it; he only ever felt safe at home.."

Solis takes his hand off of the Sentry's shoulder and goes on comforting him

"You have every right to be anxious about letting loose but that doesn't mean you should let it control you, you need to remember that you're in control"

Sentry slowly starts to calm down as he watches Solis walk over to the front door of his house as the avatar of Rao opens the door and steps out with the military still there aiming their guns at them

"The first step is always the most difficult one..but it can be conquered, with the right help"

Solis hovers off the ground and turns back to Sentry as he holds his hand out offering it to the Sentry

"I can help you control that fear, all you need to do in return is take one step outside.."

The Sentry looks at Solis' offered hand as he takes a deep breath and puffs his chest out as the Sentry musters up his courage but just as the golden hero makes it to his own doorway; he stops himself as the fear in his eyes prevents him from walking out

Solis sighs as he hovers back down to the ground and stands in front of the Sentry; they were so close to going through with this but time was of the essence so he did the next best thing he could think of

"Sentry, you have friends that need you..friends who have stood by you and right now those friends need your help"

Solis points towards the television broadcasting everything that is going on inside of that stadium

"Your afraid that you'll lose control and even if you do, I'll be there to step in..but we need to go right now"

The sound of people cheering loudly could be heard coming from the television as the two men of immense power turned to see a controlled Mr Fantastic about to bring down a mace down on an armorless Tony Stark

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