☀️Issue#13:Unwanted Visitor☀️

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Marvel Comics and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Marvel Comics and the artist(s)

Edgar groans as he slowly opens his eyes and moves himself up as he finds himself in his bedroom; his body ached a little bit after his fight with Black Adam, he didn't think that level of magic could have hurted that much but then again he was still adjusting to this power

He hasn't spoken to Rao in a while now so that meant that there wasn't anything important that needed to be told; Edgar hears his door open as Kara walks in dressed in some casual clothing

She smiled at the sight of him being up and awake; it had only been a few hours since their fight but he was already fully healed besides some of the aftermath of the fight

"You're not going to yell at me for going at it alone?"

Kara rolled her eyes and sat next to Edgar and shook her head 'no' as she told him

Kara:I wanted to at first but then I just wanted you to wake up and you are..

They both share a genuine smile towards each other thanking their respective gods that they serve that they are still alive; but Edgar couldn't help but wonder what happened to Black Adam

"Wait. What did you to Black Adam anyway? He's not just floating in space..right?"

The last thing Edgar wanted was for anyone or more specifically SHIELD to just find Black Adam and do who knows what to him

Kara:No. I went back to go get him because my goddess had a way to contain him but by the time I got there..he was gone

Edgar hummed and lowered his head as ideas of what could've happened were already forming; maybe Black Adam had a someone in the shadows helping him out

"Damn. But why would he come after me though? I didn't even know he existed until now.."

Kara had thought the exact same thing, Black Adam had told her that he had sensed the familiarity of power in her but she wasn't his target and she knew for a fact there wasn't a Black Adam in her universe or at least she hoped there wasn't

Kara:I'm just as stumped as you are about this. Maybe just for now..you should rest..

Edgar shook his head knowing that he could use this time to find answers and just as he stood up from his bed, Kara put her hand on his chest stopping him

Kara:Edgar, I mean it. That fight took a lot out of you, we don't know when Black Adam could come back and you need to be at one hundred percent when you fight him again..

Edgar could see the genuine look of concern and slight amount of fear in her eyes and just for a second; the two remained completely quiet but just stared at each other as the smallest spark flickered between them

Alas Edgar was the first to snap out of whatever was going on between them as Kara looked away slightly embarrassed by the long gaze that they held as she awkwardly rubs her shoulders; her face flushed with the small hint of pink spread her cheeks

"Right. I think that I should..be alone for a while"

Edgar tells Kara as she nods her head and starts to head out of his bedroom but they both hear a knock coming from the front door; they both turn and look at each other knowing well that they never told anyone where they lived

His first thought was that maybe it was Peter visiting them but he never gave his friend his apartment address; Edgar squints his eyes a little and sees through the wooden door as he can mutter one word


Because standing right outside of his apartment was the one and only Director of SHIELD aka Tony freaking Stark with already dawning the same armor from their first encounter as Tony spoke through the door

Tony:Before either one of you chooses to escape just know that I have you surrounded..

Using their x-ray vision and super hearing both Edgar and Kara see and hear a good amount of SHIELD agents aiming at the windows of his apartment; granted they could easily escape but this was his home

More importantly it was the place that once belonged to his parents practically the last thing that they gave him along with many framed pictures and passed down items; Edgar walks past Kara and reaches his front door as he sighs and opens the door a little bit to see Tony out in the hallway

Tony:Mind if I come in..?

Edgar doesn't say anything but just glares at Tony and opens the door as he steps aside; Tony walks in as Edgar closes the door behind him, Tony looks around the apartment finding it quite quaint actually

Tony:You're wondering how I found you, right?

For a brief second Tony turns and sees Kara standing not that far from Edgar; the millionaire knew enough that she was on par with some of the strongest women on the Avengers

Tony:After that explosion that everyone saw, I tracked the energy signature back to here. Where I also picked up on small sonic booms..

Edgar mentally face palmed himself having not thought about that before coming and going out on his patrols whether it was day or night

Tony:I'm not the bad guy here, in fact I want you to work with us. Imagine all of the good that we can do together, we can find--

But Edgar cuts Tony not wanting to hear this same pathetic sales pitch from the last time that they spoke to one another

"No. I've heard this all before and my answer will always be the same.."

Tony turns to Kara thinking that she'd things his way and join his side on things but she recalls her most recent encounter with SHIELD

Kara:Didn't you try and trap me in some kind of forcefield not that long ago? Hard pass.

Tony sighs and turns his attention back on Edgar who is still not even slightly convinced to join the registration act at all

Tony:Don't make me take any drastic measures here, the government is already up my ass about bringing you in..

Now part Edgar believed, the government feared what they couldn't control but that didn't him the enemy for trying to do the right thing and help people without having to sign as Edgar gives a sarcastic comment to Tony

"Right. Because the government has a good track record on this kind of thing"

Kara smiles a little bit hearing that comment as Tony rubs his eyes and points out of the window

Tony:Just outside, I have the full might of SHIELD at my disposal.  No offense but you don't want to know what they prepared for you if you don't come with me..

Edgar and Kara both glanced at each other, they didn't have a choice either they went with Tony and became lapdogs or they could flee and be wanted fugitives

Kara:You're basically not giving us a choice here, it's basically a lose-lose situation..

Tony could see that they were going to change their minds as he presses a button on his wrist; Kara was suddenly tackled out of the apartment and down to the streets below as she quickly dawned her Superwoman attire

The sound of multiple repulsor beams going off could be heard coming from the apartment as Tony was sent flying out and crashed into an armored SUV; Superwoman was soon joined by Solis landing next to her

The two heroes look up ahead seeing the small group of heroes that Tony had brought for backup as it consisted of She-Hulk, Ms Marvel, Tigra, Wonder Man and of course Iron Man himself

Iron Man:Last chance to do the right thing here..

Solis only replied with blasting Iron Man with his heat vision as the others all took that as their sign to jump into the fight, guess it was time to show the heroes what they were capable of doing

To be continued...

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