⚡Issue#12:Old Vs New☀️

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Marvel Comics and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Marvel Comics and the artist(s)

[The fanart that will be showed belongs to Outsider2299 on DeviantArt, I will be using his art for the future chapters]

[Fun Fact:Wonder Woman was initially going to be Edgar's love interest but was changed at the last second to Kara Kent/Superwoman to balance it out, anyways here's the chapter]

Solis dodges the first punch thrown by Black Adam and retaliates by throwing a right jab to which Black Adam manages to block with his wrist and kicks Solis in the chest making the avatar of Rao stumble back a bit; Black Adam sees his opening and grabs Solis by the sides of his head and electrocutes him

Superwoman immediately flies in at super speed and tackles Black Adam as they both come crashing into a mountain, she brings her knee up into Black Adam's face and hits the man with a hard uppercut before landing several swift punches all over his face

Alas Black Adam catches one of her punches slowly starts to push her back allowing him to headbutt her and in rapid succession; he grabs her head and slams it repeatedly against the mountain over and over again

Black Adam:I came here to fight a true equal not his harlot!

Superwoman manages to put her arms against the mountain as her eyes glow red with anger; she screams out elbows Black Adam in the stomach as she spins around and blasts him in the chest with her heat vision

Nonetheless Black Adam fights through the burning pain and holds his left hand up as he counters her heat vision with his lightning; the two energies clash trying to force the other back as Black Adam mocks Superwoman

Black Adam:I did not spend five thousand years trapped in a tomb to be beaten by a woman!!

Black Adam's eyes begin to spark as he holds his other hand as he unleashes a concentrated blast of lightning that turns the tide of the clash; Superwoman clenches her fists trying to overpower Black Adam but is struck with the blast of lightning as she screams out in excruciating pain

She could feel every single nerve in her body pop as it began to burn her from the inside; Black Adam merely continues to add onto the blast of concentrated lightning alas Superwoman is soon knocked out of the sky as she plummets back down

Her impact shakes the ground as we see that she hit the ground so hard that she had now made a huge crater where she now laid, Superwoman slowly starts to get back up to her only to be kicked back down to the ground by Black Adam

Superwoman:W-Why are you doing this?

Black Adam didn't reply back only slammed his foot against her face as blood flew out of her mouth and onto the ground; a loud sonic boom echoed amongst the clouds as Black Adam turned his attention to the sky and then that's when he saw him..

Solis' eyes glowed redder then ever before, his fists literally glowing with energy as Superwoman could only give a small smile knowing what was about to happen next because Solis wasn't just angry..he was pissed

he was pissed

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