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The Santoni's needed to be whipped into shape

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The Santoni's needed to be whipped into shape. They were only months away from joining Costa Nostra to be the alleged beneficiaries of Capo. I often question Valentina's decision to have boys instead of girls from her own group. However, it is not my concern.

To fill in the time I had from Claire being away and watching our backs for any inconveniences, we all been training in the lounge and keeping ourselves in shape to equip us with the necessary strength and endurance to handle any potential challenges or emergencies that may arise.

The ones who needed it the most were the boys of course.

I clenched my fist tightly and advanced towards Salvatore. As he approached me, his positioning was slightly off, granting me the opportunity to deliver a forceful punch directly to his rib cage.

"Fuck! Dick," he grunts.

Tommaso, the youngest Santoni brother laughed at Salvatore and his inability to fight.

"Square yourself properly. You'll be getting your ass kicked over there if you don't know how to fight. All those beers you're drinking is holding you back." I pummel the side of his head. "Keep drinking like that and you'll be old and fat like Girolamo Nirta." I kick him on his side where he continues to leave a space for me to strike.

"Get your shit together Salvatore!" Elio shouts and slams his fist on the fences. "I refuse to send you guys out there when you don't know shit about fighting."

"Fuck this!" Salvatore yelled. "Why don't you just marry the bitch yourself and give her sons. This shit is weird, we don't need a mom. I'm going to be an adult in two years. I am a made man, blood of the Siena," he flexes his Siena city tattoo. "I will never be one of them."

Salvatore considered himself a mature individual, yet I beg to differ. I hit his head because I know how much he hates it. "She can't have children you idiot. She doesn't need babies, she needs boys who are prepared to be men."

Cesare, the middle child jumps into the fighting ring. "Me next, Get out of here punk." he shoves Salvatore out of the way.

Cesare has always been the toughest of the three boys. He resembles Elio more, and they both resemble their father. Only Cesare has curls on his head that curtain his face. I often beg him to shave since he looks like a dog half of the time.

"Alright, let's go pretty boy. I won't go easy on you." I said.

"I don't expect you to."

Fourteen and already a made man of the Siena. He's a better fighter than Salvatore that's for sure. No matter how much we try to train Salvatore and show him things, he reverts to drinking like some drunk.

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