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I'm standing in the corner of the wedding reception for Nova and Enzo

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I'm standing in the corner of the wedding reception for Nova and Enzo. Their wedding touched my heart. I never knew my brother could be so lovey-dovey on the inside, but a hard shell on the outside. There was a side of him that was foreign tonight. I wished to pay more attention to it, but my mind was trying really hard to remember all the names and faces of the strangers in the room.

I watched Marco drinking his sixth glass of liquor when the bar had only opened up thirty minutes ago. It urged me to go over there and force him to stop. I get things have been stressful, but drinking his way to happiness isn't something I wish for him. Especially when emotions are so high tonight. For the past week and some days, Marco has been all around Florida, doing as told and hunting Daniel down. There were some leads to where he could be. I never wanted to know any details of his whereabouts. I needed to get rid of him mentally as well.

I only wished they would leave it alone.

The gorgeous bride held on to my brother, laughing and grinning freely. They are a match made in heaven despite their differences. Even if they weren't forced to marry, it would have eventually happened between the two of them.

I waited in the corner like a good little pup, just as my father asked earlier. When he returned, he would introduce me to Aldo and his son. For now, I'm to stay put. Not like I would want to move from here anyway, mingling in a world that I know nothing about doesn't seem comforting.

"I must have a chat with whoever picks out your attire for these types of things. You always outdress the people." Arabella walks up towards me with a drink in hand. She offered one to me, and I kindly declined.

"You are chatting with her." I twirl the ends of my satin golden dress, then show off the heels that go perfectly with it.

"How are you feeling? Today is the day isn't it?"

"To be honest with you, my stomach is hurting a bit. I reckon it's nerves."

Arabella grinned. "Wait till you see him, you'll be shitting yourself by then and would truly wish it had been nerves. Me and the girls were just chatting about you. It sucks we have only just gotten acquainted with each other. Now you have to leave."

Bianca, Arabella, and Amanda have been the closest females that I'm able to talk to about Daniel, the mafia world and this whole arranged marriage issue. If I werer to call Scarlet and tell her everything, she would nearly have a heart attack. And I'm not so sure she can keep a secret.

"Maybe you guys can help me move far away from all of this." I laugh.

Arabella laughed as well, but quickly said, "Our men would not like that. My husband especially will give me a beating." I stared at her shocked and concerned until she corrected herself. "Not that type of beating. He wouldn't dare to lay a hand on me as such." She leaned in closer to me and whispered. "I mean the kind of beating that sometimes leads to legs in the air, screaming and scratching. Now that, I don't mind."

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