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After numerous missed calls and text messages I had sent to Marco, I finally received a response from him

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After numerous missed calls and text messages I had sent to Marco, I finally received a response from him. However, when he called the next day while I was busy organizing my painting supplies, I was expecting to hear news about my brother, but instead, I only heard crying in the background, screaming rage. It sounded Like Enzo, but I couldn't make sense of it. I know my brother well enough to know he's not the kind to just cry.

Filled with concern, I asked Marco what was going on, but there was only silence on the other end before the call abruptly ended. I felt sick to my stomach and immediately tried calling Enzo, but he didn't answer. I then attempted to reach Nova, but she didn't pick up either. Frustrated, I tried contacting Marco again, desperate to understand the situation. I was infuriated that I couldn't be there to support them and even more upset with Marco for keeping me in the dark.

Suddenly, Alaina burst into the room, visibly shaken. After checking the halls to ensure no one was listening, she closed the door and informed me that something terrible had happened.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I overheard a conversation near my father's office. It's not good Claire."

"Does this have to do with my brother? I've been trying to reach him, his wife, and Mar...they aren't answering the phone. He's not..."

Alaina hesitated, "I can get in trouble if they found out I was snooping, please forgive me for telling you so soon, but I heard Rocco and my father talking about your dad."

I was relieved that she may know what's going on in Florida, and that Enzo is ok. However, the weight of her next words crushed me.

"Claire, he's dead."

The room fell into a frozen silence as I struggled to comprehend what she just disclosed. I felt as though my breath had disappeared and my heart had stopped beating. I desperately wanted to believe that Alaina was mistaken, that it was a case of mistaken identity and my father was still alive.

"Are...are you certain?" I stumbled over my words.

Alaina's response shattered any hope I had left. "I wish, I wasn't sure. That's not it though Claire." Alaina walks forward to me and sits me on the bed. "Your brother is the one that killed him, and his wife, she was involved somehow. I couldn't stay to listen to it anymore. I had to rush and tell you. I don't think my brother would."

The floodgates in my eyes started to crack, and tears rushed out uncontrollably. "Impossible," I whispered, my voice trembling. "Enzo couldn't have done it. My father may be harsh, but he wouldn't." I never anticipated the immense pain I would feel if my father were to pass away. I used to wonder if I would feel relief, but this anguish is far from it. It feels as though all my loved ones are being ripped away from me, leaving me with no one. I can't help but think if only mother were still here. And now I have to imagine losing Father too?

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