Raven turns to look at Weiss, sitting between Vernal and Y/N. Once she realizes that Raven and the crowd are looking at her, Weiss, mid-sip, chokes on her hot cocoa before drinking to stop her choking. 

Y/N #2: ("Wasn't expecting Raven to ask that.")

She then put her mug to the side and tries to wave away the attention she's getting.

Weiss: "Oh, uhm... I can't sing."

Raven gives a dumbfounded look to her before smirking.

Raven: "Please, there's no way she can lie to get out of this one. Vernal told me that you're good at singing."

Weiss turns to look at Vernal who just shrugs before drinking her mug. Suddenly, Raven begins to chant "sing" over and over as her tribe members joins in. Feeling pressured, Weiss turns to Y/N, who is drinking from his mug before shifting his gaze to her.

Y/N #2: "Annoying as it is... you might as well give what they want."

Weiss: "You sure?"

Y/N just gives her a thumbs up and a small smile. 

Y/N: "You got this."

After taking a deep breath, Weiss nervously stands up from her spot as the chanting of Raven and her fellow bandits slowly stop. Taking another deep breath to prepare herself, Weiss begins to sing a beautiful, lyrical feast for the ears. A gorgeous, operatic aria which earns her average attention at best. As she continues singing, she and Y/N pick up on the crowd's disinterest, more interested in their drinks and food as her voice fades into silence. They all look at her and to each other, visibly puzzled by either why she stops singing or questioning what kind of song she was singing. Weiss goes to look at Vernal for support. However, Vernal isn't even paying attention, more focus on sipping on her own mug. When she does see Weiss's pleading eyes, she's confused and just shrugs, not knowing what she wants her to do. Weiss then turns her attention to Y/N, who just finish sipping on his mug. Once his eyes meet Weiss's, Y/N quickly shrugs but gives his response.

Y/N #2: "I guess they don't know anything about Atlesian songs. Try something more... familiar, I guess."

Weiss: "Familiar..."

Standing firmly, Weiss look at the crowd one last time before taking a deep breath. As she slowly inhales, Weiss bursts out into a song called "The Roads of Anima." It's deep body piece with much more harsh-sounding lyrics describing the different beauties of the continent and notably ends with the final line.

Weiss: "The waters of Mistral always lead home."

The song takes everyone around the campfire to be taken aback for a second but, by the second chorus, the drunken tribe members begun to catch on, singing along with her. Vernal and even Raven joins in on the singing as Y/N just watch in amusement, taking another sip from his mug.

Y/N #2: ("Never thought I'd see the day that Weiss goes all-out on her singing and a bunch of drunk bandits singing along with her... and yet here we are.")

After a few moments later, Weiss's singing slowly fades away as the crowd begins to happily cheer for her. Raven, still drunk, gives a pleasant smirk to Weiss before approaching her. 

Raven: "Where did... you learned that song?" 

Weiss: "It's only natural I'd know some folk songs. I was just worried that I might be... rusty. So, I went with one that I had more practiced with."

Suddenly, the intoxicated Raven slap Weiss on the back, much to her surprise.

Raven: "Well, it's a start!" 

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