Chapter 61

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Tom was yet again stunned. Ezra told him to stop looking so surprised when they stood outside his bedroom. So, he snapped into a neutral expression and entered. Monelle was standing by his window, looking at the sky. Her long curls were full against her back, and her long fingers absentmindedly tugged at the ends, curling them around as if deep in thought, or distracting her thoughts. 

She blinked quickly when he turned on the light, and he caught a glimpse of tears in the corners of her eyes.

His gut flipped, and he wanted to do all he could to make her smile. But that was her angel aura drawing him in. Tom lingered by the door, watching Ezra stand by his bookshelf.

"Hello again," Tom said kindly.

Monelle smiled, and he relaxed a little in her presence. "Hello Tom, I'm glad you're okay. Where did you go? Ezra was worried."

"To Berry Pond."

"You should be careful about travelling at this hour," she warned, choosing to sit on his desk chair. "I apologise for occupying your room so late."

"It's okay. I'm glad Ezra was able to track you down." Tom felt a little shivery, and a little weak from the lack of sleep. He sat on the corner of his bed and encouraged Ezra to do the same. When they were all seated, Monelle loosened her shoulders.

"So, now that you know the truth behind the choirs, you must also know the truth about what the elder angels are planning to do to the demons in this country."

They both nodded. "It can't happen."

Monelle glanced sadly down at her intertwined fingers. "I don't know how to stop it."

"Can't Othrowan come to some sort of agreement with the angels? What are they wanting an uprising for? Are they planning on wiping out the humans, or the angels, or both? Or are they fighting for more rights?"

"More rights, we assume. Though Othrowan doesn't want to wait to find out."

"He doesn't have to," Ezra grumbled. "He could simply have a conversation with the demons responsible and ask why they're causing the rise in violence."

"Othrowan would never do that. He always thinks he knows best."

Tom was surprised to hear her say that. Though she was also an angel in love with a demon. "Does Kie know what he's planning?"

She stiffened at the mention of his name and glanced to Ezra as if he had cracked open her darkest secret.

Ezra frowned. "Why would you expect me not to tell him?" he asked.

"I just thought you might wait until I wasn't here," Monelle said quietly. "But no, he doesn't know what Othrowan is doing. I've distanced myself and pleaded that he leave the country, but Kie has had enough. He knows something is going on. He's done with me now, I withhold too much from him." She then scoffed, and her tears returned. "I envy you both. You're so good at communicating. Why do I find it so difficult to do the right thing."

"Because you'll be punished. And Othrowan doesn't take this sort of stuff lightly," Ezra said, leaning forwards. "Monelle, I think you have to tell Kie. Or you'll end up losing him, and not to whatever plan Othrowan is doing. You'll lose him before any of this."

"It's too late now," she said sadly.

"It's never too late to fight for what you want," Tom said, and he felt Ezra's finger touch the side of his hand. "Which is why we need to figure out our own plan. Othrowan is spinning us in webs, and so are the demons. The rise in violence has been manipulated to the point where I don't know who to trust anymore."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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