Chapter 9

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Tom leapt out of the way of a man who was pushed into the door. He flew through the exit with a bone cracking thud on the paving slabs. Another person landed by his feet after tripping over someone else who was already on the ground.

Tonight, there wasn't a fight between a local and a demon, there was a fight between three demons and the rest of the pub. "Shit," Tom grumbled, immediately jumping into action. He shoved three people aside before he could get to the nearest demon, the fifteen-year-old who had blurted Ezrakhell's name ten days ago. Talking wouldn't do, Tom could already see the mania in his wide eyes.

The young demon struck someone down, turning his back to Tom who elbowed him hard between his shoulder blades. The demon grunted and arched his back in pain. Tom grabbed his arms and tried to plough him through the pub, but the locals were yelling in the demon's face, and getting in his way.

"Move!" Tom roared. "Get out of the fucking way!"

"Don't ignore my son!" Declan yelled, pushing the locals aside. Declan held the door open as Tom threw the young demon out. An angel was running down the path, and Ezra appeared right next to Tom, barely disturbing the air.

Tom looked up as Ezra looked down. Light rain drizzled between them. Ezra gave Tom a slight nod of reassurance before storming towards the younger demon. Tom and his dad hurried back inside. The fighting continued, and his mother was in the heart of it. Moira was throwing punches to anyone who purposefully got in her way. She held back a demon, screaming at the locals to get out of her pub. Some listened, others were too drunk to care whether they were banned or not.

Another demon yanked Moira's ponytail and she fell backwards, dragging another demon with her. Tom punched the demon in the ribs which loosened his grip on the ponytail. Tom then punched him across the jaw and the demon spun, landing on top of a table. He tried to contain his wild arms, but the demon turned quickly and smacked him hard across the face. Tom crashed into a square table. The corner dug into the back of his thigh, and he fell to the floor wincing.

The demon jumped on top of Tom, kneeling so hard on his chest that he struggled to take a breath. He punched Tom in the face, and he felt warm blood tricking down over his mouth. The pain made his eyes water.

With his vision blurred, he heard only screaming and smashing glass. Tom desperately blinked back his tears as the demon lifted his fist again, but Ezrakhell appeared and clutched the demon around the neck, yanking him off.

Tom rolled onto his stomach and hauled himself up, using a metal stool to help his feet find the floor. He wiped the back of his hand cross his face. His pale skin soaked in red. Tom's face and chest throbbed. He doubled over when his mouth watered, thinking he was going to be sick. A hand slapped on his shoulder and Finn leaned over him. "He gave you a good punch, didn't he?"

"Yep," Tom breathed. "And you by the looks of it." He looked up. Finn's lip was cut, and his left eyes was beginning to swell. "What happened in here?"

"Demons, that's what."

Tom shook his head and went to find his parents. They were outside talking to the angels while Ezra leaned over the last remaining demon, muttering lowly something Tom couldn't understand. His hand hovered above the demon's face. Tom watched as the demon stilled, and the body withered into the grass, half turning to dust and blowing away in the wind, half turning to soil and sinking into the darkness.

Ezra stood up when the body was gone. He glanced towards the angel then towards Tom, before walking around the back of the pub.

Tom followed, wiping away more blood from his nose and rubbing it on his jacket. Ezra stopped by a wooden table under the oldest tree on the property. He sat down and rested his boots on the wooden bench.

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