Chapter 33

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"I don't understand," Tom said. Though really, he wasn't sure he wanted to in fear of jumping to the wrong conclusions. "What's that got to do with Ezra?"


"Why are you being so cryptic?"

"Because it is his story to tell, not mine."

"But you're a part of it. He said you condemned him to be a soul stripper." Tom never imagined that he would talk to an angel so bluntly.

"Yes. That I am guilty of."

"While Ezra's innocent?"

They stared at each other. Tom felt the angel's power, yet he didn't shrink. "I suggest you go and speak to your soul stripper," Othrowan said. "Because that is what he is now, and who he will remain for the rest of his life." He got up, and Tom did too. But all he did was watch him leave.

Tom's attention dropped to the book, and questions churned in his mind. He had to ask Ezra to explain his past. But maybe it was too delicate for him to talk about. Though how would Tom find out what really happened?

He cursed himself for not asking Othrowan, but would Ezra have been angry at him for turning to the person who had condemned him?

He sighed and sat back down. What was the angel trying to say? Ezra was a demon, how he felt and how he looked made that plainly obvious. He had a demon mark, he made those around him uneasy because of his demon aura. He had a short fuse, and Tom had seen him take souls with his own eyes.

Though he wasn't exactly like other demons either. He was calmer, and better at holding down his anger. He was shy and anxious like he was terrified of being judged. Other demons didn't like him, and Ezra didn't like himself.

I can't make assumptions like this.

Tom left the library and got two coffees from a small van parked at the base of a hill. He hiked until he was out of breath and hot under his windproof jacket. His cheeks burned red against pale skin. Brown hair ruffled in the wind. Tom scanned the area and sat down once he knew he was alone.

"Ezrakhell," he said quietly. No more than three heartbeats past before someone sat on the same bench. "Hi," Tom said with a smile, handing him a coffee.

"Morning," Ezra murmured, looking down at him with large curious eyes.

"How was your night of wandering?"


"Where did you go?"

"To a beach on the east coast. Humans can't get to it without risking their lives."

"So naturally, it's one of your favourite places?"


Tom chuckled and sipped his drink. "So, um . . . I ran into that angel at the library this morning. Othrowan, is that his name?"

Ezra nodded.

"I was reading a book about demons when he approached me." Ezra was still staring down at him. Tom had to look away. "I asked him why the angels don't summon you, and he said that angels can't summon other angels." He waited for Ezra to say something, but he didn't even open his mouth to offer an explanation. "Please tell me if you can't or don't want to speak about this."

Ezra sipped his coffee, moving his attention to the beautiful view of the world beyond. "What did you say to him after?"

"I asked what that had to do with you."


"He said everything."

Ezra sighed, blinking slowly as if the subject had drained him dry. "Othrowan has always enjoyed being confusing to appear wise."

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