Chapter 18

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"Are you going into the town today?" Ezra asked, giving him back the empty cup of coffee.

"I can if you need something."

"I've finished reading the last book you gave me. You can return it."

Tom stood up, nodding. "That'll give me something to do before my shift starts."

"You work a lot."

"I like to save money." Tom cupped his hands together and blew hot air into his palms. "Can I make you some breakfast?"

"No." Ezra left, leaving Tom blinking into the trees at his sudden departure. But he returned less than fifteen seconds later with a book. "I'll be in the pub not long after it opens." His big brown eyes circled Tom's face, wearing his attentiveness as naturally as an orange would its skin. "Bye."

"Bye-" Ezra left before Tom had even closed his mouth. He smiled on his way back inside. Ezra was undoubtedly warming to him because he held eye contact for longer; his gaze was no longer a flurry of nervous glances. He talked a little more and asked him questions too, and he was beginning to show signs of trust.

When Tom entered the library with twenty minutes to spare until his shift started, he looked around and it was empty, apart from the librarian stacking the weekly recommended basket with books of all genres and sizes. "Thomas!" she said cheerfully, smiling with a genuine joy that someone else was accompanying her. "Back for another book?"

"Yes." He held the book up that Ezra had read, "What time is the library open until?"

"Five on weekdays, and three on Saturdays, and midday on Sundays. We open at seven in the morning every day. Are you planning on being a more frequent visitor?"

"I'm not sure. I work late most nights." Tom really had to visit more if he was going to look for a subject that he might one day pay a lot of money to study. Visiting early might be his only option.

"I would suggest you visit in the mornings," Haisley said as if she heard his thoughts, "but I know how you study. You remember more when the moon is high."

"Do you remember when you used to run midnight study sessions and only me and Cal turned up most of the time."

"I do. But everyone has a different way of doing things." She tapped her chin and stared quizzically at Tom. "Now that you're older, I would trust you with the keys."

Tom raised his brows. "Really? Why? For more midnight study sessions?"

"Yes, but if I'm honest, I'd rather not be involved. Now that I'm older too, eight hours of sleep is as precious to me as food." She chuckled and rested her hands on her hips. "If I let you visit after hours, I'll leave the key under a plant pot outside my front door, so you don't wake me up if you visit late. And when you're done, lock up and post the key through my letterbox. Do not take any books out without logging them in the folder. And don't take out more than five at a time. If you bring snacks, do not eat them at the tables, eat them here at the reception. What do you think about that? Pleased?"

Tom nodded enthusiastically. "Are you sure? I mean, I'll look after the books and everything, but what if people see the lights on and think someone broke in?"

"I'll say that the angels are doing their choir practice through the night now that we're getting closer to the village fair. Oh, about the angels, they do choir practice every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from five in the evening until seven in the evening, so it might be best to visit after those hours."

Tom nodded again. Studying for his future wasn't the only idea he had. He could help Ezra with his studies too. If they didn't find anything useful in the library, then at least they could rule that option out of the search. "Thank you so much Haisley!"

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