Chapter 42

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The demons were later released from the angel's custody, and the locals took them to Glass Horns Pub.

"Here," Finn said, placing a tray of six shots in front of the group. "Cheers to justice!"

Tom and Ezra stood by the bar, leaning into each other, and staring in disbelief. "Never thought I'd see Finn like that," Tom murmured.

"They're finally waking up," Ezra whispered, struggling to meet the gaze of the humans who now looked at him in awe and pity. "Othrowan will not be pleased, and that worries me."

"He really doesn't like demons, does he?"

Ezra shook his head to say no. "He likes to think he's fair, and loves everyone, but today he showed his truths."

"Are you okay?"

Ezra nodded. "I feel like I'm under a spotlight I can't avoid."

"I'm sorry for telling them your past, but I do think it was time that people here knew what really happened to you."

"I think you're right, but seeing their pity just makes me sad."

"Seeing their pity makes me angry," Tom muttered. "Nobody cared before."

The group of Demons were soon left to drink alone, but they glanced often towards Tom and Ezra, and talked in hushed voices. After a while of sitting at the bar, one demon approached them awkwardly and hovered next to Ezra.

"Uh, you're Tom O'Connell, right? Your parents own this pub?" He was a short, stocky demon with wild curls to his jawline, deep-set eyes, a round nose, and a scar through the left side of his lips.

Tom nodded.

"Thank you, Tom. You saved our lives today by sticking with what's fair. I've heard rumours about you both that are not in your favour. We'll do our best to spread the truth about you. Demons are welcome here and they're safe, others need to know that."

"Thank you," Tom said with a smile. "And I'm sorry about your friend who you lost in the fire."

The demon blinked quickly and pursed his lips into a sad smile. "He'll be missed," he said, clearing his throat and standing a little taller. "We got our justice. I'm sorry the same can't be said to you." The demon strongly patted Ezra's shoulder. "I don't know if what happened to you was too long ago now, but we would like to help."

"How?" Ezra asked, fidgeting.

"We're not sure, but there has to be something." He glanced back to the group, hesitating. "Call me Kie," he said quietly, holding eye contact with Tom, too. "We also know you're investigating the violence. We want to help with that."

"How?" Ezra asked again.

"There are whispers you've not heard." Kie's stare strengthened. "Here is not the place to talk."

Ezra frowned. "Talk about what?"

Kie leaned closer. "Where can we go to talk freely without prying ears?"

"Berry Pond," Tom blurted. He and Cal had talked for endless hours by the water, undisturbed.

"I've seen a sign for that up the road." Kie nodded to himself. "Meet us there after the pub has closed. He walked back to his group, and Ezra turned to see Tom's reaction.

"Odd," Tom mumbled.

Ezra nodded. "I'll tell you what they say when-"

"I'm coming," Tom interrupted.

"I don't think it'll be safe."

"I'm still coming."

Ezra stared, long and hard, until he knew that Tom had made up his mind. "Fine but stay close to me the entire time."

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