Chapter 8

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Tom had plans with Cal all Wednesday morning. But he was irritable and checking his watch often. They sat at their local café, at one of the small metal tables littering the side of the street. Tom was staring over at the library of red brick, with a clocktower at the top and an arched roof over the main entrance. He was watching one of the windows when a hand frantically swiped in front of his face.

"Hello," Cal said. "Anyone in that thick skull of yours?"

"Sorry," Tom mumbled sitting up straighter and focusing on his best friend. Cal's shoulder-length blond hair had dried wavy in the sun. His greyish eyes were squinting in the bright daylight. "What were you saying?"

Cal arched a brow. "What's up with you today?"

Tom glanced around before leaning over the table. "I'm meeting up with the soul stripper later to give him another book. It's just on my mind, that's all."

"Ah," Cal said, nodding. "Can I come?"



"He's cagey around me. He probably won't turn up if you're there."

"I'll hide then."


"Just to make sure you're safe?"


Cal sat back in his seat, crossing his arms. "Fine then. But please be careful. He might be calm and everything but they're still very unpredictable. If you say the wrong thing or-"

"I know, I know. I'm careful."

Cal then grinned. "So, do you know what he looks like? I've only ever seen him with his hood up."

"I do."


Tom was amused, but he refused to smile. "He's good-looking."

"That's all you're gonna say?"

"Yes." Tom frowned. "What else should I say?"

"That he's hot? That he's got that bad guy appeal? That he's so irresistible or that-"

"Shut up."

"Oh come on Tom, you don't talk about who you fancy anymore. Ever since the mega twat Kimberley broke your heart, you've given up on love or something."

"It's been a year already, and it still hurts," he mumbled. Tom had first dated Kimberley when he was eighteen. For three years, he had been madly in love with her. He thought they would spend the rest of their lives together, but she cheated on him with one of his other best friends- Lewis. Cal had always been his number one best friend, though they used to be a trio. Cal had walked in on Lewis and Kimberley in bed together when Lewis had been late to meet him. Cal went straight to Tom to tell him what was going on.

Kimberley and Lewis left the village because the locals made it too awkward for them to stay. Tom had taken it hard, but working at the pub was a great distraction, and he soon stopped aching or pushing away the ones who had been there for him. And he started thinking about a future without her in it.

"I know, but you deserve to date again and have fun," Cal said. "Maybe I can set you up with one of Harper's friends."

Harper was Cal's girlfriend. They had been dating for almost half a year now, and they were well suited. Tom liked her because she respected their old friendship and didn't try to get between them. He didn't try to get between them either, accepting that Cal would spend a lot of time with her too. "No. I don't think I'm ready to date again."

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