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Isabel POV:

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Isabel POV:

"Damn that shit was crazy as fuck Isabel!" Kenji says while driving, making me laugh again.

"I know, I got information about him thought just like my dad wanted but he was a dick." He agrees and keeps his eyes on the road.

Silence fills the car before I spread again. "He was here Kenji." After saying those words, Kenji snaps his head to me concerned.

Kenji is the only one that knows about my full story.

"Oh shit.." He says wanting me to continue.

"They were all here, god Kenji you should've seen the look on his face when I was dancing with James."

"Was he mad?" He asks looking between me and the road.

"Yeah, and jealous I think. I heard he has a new girl in his bed everyday so clearly he's over me but the way he looked just.." I stopped and thought about Tom.

He looks the same but different, he has braids now, not dreads, his face is more masculine, I only remember his baby face. He still has his lip piercing but now it's black instead of silver, he's still hot.

He has to be over me, and that's okay because I'm over him!

"Well how could anyone get over you Isabel?" Kenji says making me laugh.

I walk into the place I call home, quiet like always.

"Isabel!" I jump and look to see my dad standing there staring at me, like he was waiting for me.

"Holy shit dad you scared me." I put my hand over my heart and shut the front door. He laughs and takes my arm dragging me to the kitchen. I sit down at the island and he stands in front of me across the island.

"Sylvia get me a beer!" He yells making Sylvia jump and get to the fridge quickly, she hands him the beer and he takes a quick swig from it.

"So, James?" He says making me understand immediately.

"I got some information like you wanted but he was a dick." He laughs nodding.

"I know, tell me everything about him."

I sigh shutting my bedroom door, after talking to my dad forever about James, he finally let me go.

I change out of these uncomfortable clothes, taking off my makeup too.

I sit on my bed turning on my tv to watch something random.

I get really invested in this show when I hear my phone buzz, I groan wondering who's texting me this late?

Unknown: I'm sorry for getting mad at you tonight, it was nice seeing you even if you don't want anything to do with us, I mean that's why you left right?

I sigh knowing its Bill again, I almost put my phone down but my fingers take over and start typing back, wtf?

Me: That's not why Bill.

Bill: Oh shit you responded! Look Isabel, I feel like you didn't just leave for nothing, so please tell me what really happened?

Me: Reasons that you can't handle, goodnight Bill.

I slam my phone against my nightstand annoyed, why does he push me?

Whatever I'm just done with this, tomorrow it will go back to normal.

No Bill.

No Gustav.

No Georg.

No Tom.

I wake up by the smell of delicious food filling my nose, i look at the time seeing its 12:43pm I get out of bed rushing downstairs.

I see my dad sitting at the kitchen table smiling and eating.

Why the hell is he smiling?

I walk closer and he looks up to me smiling wider.

"Isabel sit, I have news!" He says making me more nervous, I don't know why.

I sit across from him and he takes another bite of his food before speaking.

"I was out earlier and guess who I ran into!" I give him a confused look.

"Those old friends of yours the Kaulitz!" My heart stops for a second, what the fuck?

"Uh- so? I don't care." Before I can get up to leave he speaks again.

"They are working for a friend of mine so I invited them and my friend for dinner tonight!" I immediately get up and yell.

"No! Fuck that dad they are not coming here!" He looks shocked because he knew how close I used to be with them.

"Well too bad young lady! They are coming over at 7, end of story!" I groan kicking a chair.

I think for a second and think if one thing to make this dinner acceptable.

"Can Kenji come?"

"No! That boy will not be anywhere near this dinner with my friend." God he's so unreasonable.

"Either Kenji comes or I'm not." I argued. He sighs looking back at his food.

"Fine, but he better not embarrass me in front of my friend!" I nod and run upstairs back to my room quickly.

I grab my phone to call Kenji, after about 2 seconds he answers.

"Hey hot stuff." He says casually.

"Kenji! So my dad is inviting them over tonight for dinner, I need you to be here please say you can!" There's a long pause indicating he's thinking.

"Anything for you Isabel."

I let out a breath, glad he said yes. "Good! Come over at 6, love you!" I hang up relieved.

But then again I'm not happy about having to eat dinner with them.

Fuck this dinner.

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