"It's okay and actually I'm really tired I rather be in my bed then shooting tequila all night."
I said taking a deep breath rubbed my shoulders because I was freezing.

"You two get your bots inside before someone catches a cold."
Joe shouted from inside the house.

Next day.

"Smile for a pic,"Joe said holding up his phone making me pull my hat down hiding my face

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"Smile for a pic,"
Joe said holding up his phone making me pull my hat down hiding my face.

"I'm not wearing makeup Joe."
I said in a grumpy tone.

"Someone didn't have her coffee this morning."
Ryan said walking behind me as I made my way up the jet.

"Yeah probably because I was busy preparing your breakfast,"
I said turning to look at him, which was a bad idea because he was one step down from me making his face level to mines inches away.

"You don't need makeup,"
He said scanning my face smiling.
We was interrupted by Henry clearing his throat making us both look at him,
he had a huge smile on his face.

"Can the old married couple finish their conversation inside the jet,"
He said referring to us always arguing.

"We are not arguing,"
Ryan said looking at him.

"But something is definitely going on,"
He said raising his eyebrows playfully making me turn around walking inside the jet with an awkward look on my face.
I entered the jet coming across Ryan's mother and sister's with two little girls.

they shouted running past me,
my gaze followed them as them ran towards Ryan,
I watched as he knelt down hugging them.
The feeling off shock and confusion came upon my face.

"Aluna nice to have you joining us."
Ryan mom said greeting me with a hug as my eyes was still locked on Ryan who was looking at me with an awkward look on his face as he picked up the girls walking towards us.

"Meet Rylie and Bela my daughters."
Ryan said with an awkward smile on his face.

"Very nice to meet you too."
I said pinching them both on their cheeks as a smile grew upon my face,
I have to admit they were very cute and the smile Ryan had on his face with their presence was priceless.
I excused myself taking a seat across from Joe who was looking at me.

"A penny for your thoughts."
Joe said taking me off guard as I made myself comfortable.

"I have no thoughts."
I said looking at him frowning my eyes.

"If you say so."
He said smiling.

"He said smiling

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Ryan POV.

I have to admit, I haven't slept all night thinking about what Aluna would react when she met my daughters,
I don't know why her meeting my daughters was such a big deal to me but it was.
My heart literally melted when she said hello to them with a huge smile on her face, A smile that I haven't seen before, A genuine smile.

"So how is Theo?"
"Did you have time to catch up with him while on your little vacation."
Joe asked Aluna 10 minutes into the flight.
I was sitting across from them making it easy to hear their conversation.

"Yeah we got to catch up,"
"He got an venue for the wedding."
She said looking down at the table while playing with her headphones.

"Did you get time to go shopping for your wedding dress."
He asked making her look up at him.

"No I haven't."
She said taking a deep breath.

"Are you having second thoughts?"
He asked.

"I don't want to talk about my wedding right now Joe I'm working."
She said shutting him off putting on her headphones.

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