chapter ten

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.Meira's POV.

    "You're not coming with me inside."

    "I'm sorry but I have to Ms. Sullivan. It's an order to follow you everywhere."

    "Your duty is to protect me and just stay with me. Not attending my classes. You can't get inside the classroom. Absolutely not!" I hissed.

    "Ms. Sullivan, I apologize for speaking more than I needed but I'm afraid I have to attend everything and everywhere, with you. It's for your safety," Austin spoke.

    "ASSASSINS AREN'T AFTER ME THAT I WOULD GET KILLED!" I yelled. The car filled with utter silence just after my outburst.

    "Ugh!" I groaned. "Are you even going to join me in the bathroom?!"

    "I'll wait for you outside, ma'am." He gave me the answer.

    "Look, you're irritating the shit out of me.—"

    "I'm sorry." He said monotony.


    I refuse to acknowledge this man.

    "Ugh! Listen, you're not coming inside. Wait—wait in the car, roam around but Not. The. Class." I pointed at him.

    "I guess, I have to call your father to let him know that." He said.

    "Why—why my father!? I'm your boss, not my dad. You're guarding me, not him!" I exclaimed.

    "Ms. Sullivan—"

    "Austin, say a word and I swear to god, you'll regret it," I said.


    "Okay, class, welcome to your first day at college..." The professor continued with his introduction and blah blah blah.

    But my mind was completely out of it.

    Unconsciously my eyes trailed towards outside, at Austin.

    After bickering with that robot back and forth, we came to the decision that he'll stay outside the class the way he does outside my room. And if you think that only my eyes are into him, then no.

    All the girls in the class are sneaking glances at the guy whom I want.

    As if they're going to get him.

    I mentally snorted.

    After the professor talked, we all got introduced to him. I also made a friend who sat beside me along with a guy and another girl who sat in front of our seats.

    They were really nice but I still miss Serena.

    The class ended and I walked out with my new friends, Brenda, Jeremy and Nicole.

    As I was exiting the classroom, I saw people giving Austin second glances and girls were giggling. I rolled my eyes and walked away completely out of the class. Austin instantly followed me.

    "He's your bodyguard?" Brenda asked.

    I nodded, "Yeah. His name is Austin."

    "Wow, he's so hot." Nicole lowly so that Austin can't hear her.

    "I know right. Complete daddy vibes." Brenda rolled her eyes dreamily, biting her lips.

    I can't blame Brenda and Nicole for falling for Austin. No wonder, I'm attracted to him and desperately want him.

    "Okay, girls. You guys are hurting my feelings now." Jeremy faked a pained look.

    Brenda and Nicole giggled while I 'awwed' and put my arm around his shoulder in a friendly way.

    "No worries, I'm here." I kid.

    "Sorry, girl, I'm taken." He winked. I gasped and playfully smacked his shoulder softly. He laughed.

    Looks like I'm going to have a guy best friend now.

    I always wanted one.


    Austin drove the car in silence as I kept looking at him without adverting my eyes away from his handsome face.

    Surprisingly he wasn't reacting at all. It was as if he wasn't fazed by my strong gaze on him.

    The drive from my college to back home was almost half an hour. It's only been almost ten minutes and I'm already looking at him.

    I inch closer to Austin. So close that I could smell his cologne. His face was stoic and eyes on the road. I know he shows as if my proximity doesn't bother him but I felt how his body went rigid, knuckles tighten on the steering wheel.

    Will he ever give me his attention?

    "Ms. Sullivan..."

     "Hush..." I shut him, "It's Meira. Call me Meira."


    "Meira," I said again.

    He didn't say anything. Eyes harden. He didn't look at me. Not once.

    "Look at me, Austin," I whispered.

    He shook his head. It was barely anything.

    "I said, look at me."

     "I think you should sit back at your place."

    "Not before you look at me," I whispered harshly.

    And he does this time. He looks directly into my eyes. I couldn't look away from those beautiful eyes that filled my inside with flutter.

    "I did. Now, sit back." He tried to say it in a normal tone but came a bit harshly.

    I couldn't speak after that. I didn't say anything and sat back in my seat. Goodness, how desperate am I for his attention?

    The rest of the ride was spent in utter silence. After we reached home, I quickly got out of the car and walked inside.

    Austin throws the car keys to the other guard to park the car and followed me.

    I got inside my room and closed the door. Throwing my bag on the bed, I quickly went inside the bathroom and stripped to shower. After the shower, I got dressed and sat on my bed with my laptop.

    After a few minutes, I heard a knock.

    "Come in," I said and the door opened revealing Austin.

    "Are you going out tonight somewhere?" He asked.

    "No, I'm not. Why?" I asked and paused the show I was watching.

    "Actually, I needed a few hours off duty if you don't mind. I've to attend somewhere." He said.

    "Is it important?" I asked.

    It's not like I have any problem giving him the rest of the night off, he can do whatever he wants. I was just asking in general.

    "Yes, it is." He said.

    I nodded at him, "Yes, you can have the rest of the night off. Don't worry."

    He nodded and went out of the room without saying any other word.

    I wonder where he's going.

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