chapter eight

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.Meira's POV.

    The next day, Austin reported back to my house early in the morning. I was having breakfast during that time.

    I mostly ignored him the entire day. Since my parents will be leaving for the trip tomorrow I spent the day with them and Austin spent it outside, guarding and also getting acquitted with the security system and of course, the people.

    Serena called me later and asked for the answers from last night. I told her about everything and she was speechless would be an understatement. She demanded Austin's pictures and I secretly clicked some of his pictures when he was talking with the security guard outside.

    She squealed like a maniac over the speaker. I laughed with her and we gossiped for a bit then ended the call. She also said she'll visit me when she'll be free from her college admission stress. She's also really confused and tense about that.

    When my parents were busy preparing for the trip, Austin was following me like a plague. I was so irritated. The more he was around me the more it made me realize and think that I'm his responsibility, liability till my parents are away.

    He'll give his life for me. He's ready to die.

    After giving a long thought at his words the other day, I realized what he meant. ...Also doing some research on the entire bodyguard job. And I can officially say, I hate it.

    Why does he have to end his life for someone who basically is no one--nothing related--nobody dear-- to him?

    But at the same time, I was relieved because mafia wasn't after me to kidnap. He doesn't have to run before my body to get hit by a bullet.

    Does it mean that he was ready to die for all the people whom he guarded previously?

    He must have guarded other women so was he...?

    The fuck?!

    God, I'm going to be crazy as fuck!


...the next day...

    "Bye, I'll miss you." I sniffed.

    "We'll miss you too dear." Mama said and I saw her eyes go teary. I hugged her and dad together.

    "Stay strong and please behave," Dad said.

    "Dad," I whined and laughed at his words. He chuckled, "Make sure to take Austin wherever you go. College, shopping, hang out with friends, everywhere." I nodded.

    "Don't worry, we'll talk every day." Mama said and run her hand through my head, "Love you, baby."

    "Love you, dear," Dad said.

     "Love you," I said to both. They nodded and went inside the car. I bid them farewell and felt more tears fall. I quickly jogged to my room; I heard Austin's footsteps behind me; I ignored his presence and went inside my room. I jumped on the bed and lay on my stomach and cried silently, hugging my pillow.

    They left less than five minutes and I already miss them.

    "Are you okay?" He asked in monotone.

    I chuckled to myself. My protector is here, I see. "I'll be fine." I choked out.

    Without saying anything, he closed the door.

    He's standing outside my room, I know.

    He's not leaving me. At all. Not that easily.


...couple of days later...

    "You're not serious?!" Serena busted into my room.

    "Serena, knock?" I said, looking up from my phone.

    She was about to talk but shut her mouth and closed the door. Must be keeping in mind that Austin is there, She ran and jumped on my bed, looking at me with wide eyes dancing with mischief and curiosity, "Your bodyguard is a thousand times hotter than the pictures. I thought the camera was only a fraud making us look ugly. But that piece of clicking shit also deceived that hot bodyguard's beauty." She hissed excitedly.

    "Yeah, it did." I sigh. "My life sucks." I groaned.

    "Now what happened? Did you guys have sex again? Like how's that bad if you both are attracted to each other?" She rolled her eyes.

"No, we didn't fuck. I'm apparently in celibacy since that night. I don't know about him though." I muttered and lay on my back. She joined me and we talked.

    "Then?" she asked.

    "I'm his responsibility. His liability." I said. "For the record, I don't think he finds me attractive anymore," I let out a humourless laugh, "Apparently finding his boss's daughter hot is a crime." I turned and looked at her, "Did he feel that I'm not attractive or bad at sex after we had it? Like did he feel that I was inexperienced so he's going to ignore me?"

    "I don't think so. I think it's because of what you just said. He is your bodyguard. It'll be awkward if you two see each other." Serena said.

    I whined, "He said the same thing. And its the main cause of my irritation."

    "Did he?"

   "Except for the awkward part."



    Without any other words, we both kept looking at the ceiling.


    Serena and I talked about college, classes, parties, friends, shopping; basically about everything that didn't include Austin.

    She said that she got admission to a college that is in Washington. I was really happy for her but also sad, that she'll be leaving.

    We both cried together. I'll miss my best friend. My parents left for their travelling and now, my best friend will leave me in a few days.

    I am all alone.

    After Serena left, I talked to my parents and then ended the call as it was getting late.

    I peeked outside and saw the area was clear and the room across me, it's lights were on. I sighed and closed the door.

    In the house, it was only me, Austin, and Martha.

    Since I would be sleeping and goons are not after me; me being dramatic; I told Austin to just sleep at the night. After all, it's not like I'm going to get kidnapped.

    He agreed easily 'cause let's be real, he knows that I'm a child's play compared to his other previous clients.

    But I don't like it when he's all formal, like a mannequin, wearing a suit 24/7. It's not like I mind him in that outfit. He looks hot but it's uncomfortable to wear something all the time.

    And after talking to Serena, I've realized something.

    That I'm attracted to Austin.

    But he being an ass, is getting hard to get.

    His protectiveness, his bossiness, acting like he doesn't care about me when I'm sad is making me want him more.

    I want him.


    A smirk played on my lips at the thought.

    Looks like, I have my eyes for you, Austin Davis. And you're in trouble 'cause you're the first guy in whom I'm interested and I'm not leaving you that easily.

Twisted (A Bodyguard Romance)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant