chapter two

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.Austin's POV.

    My mouth hangs down after what she said.

   What in the...?

   "Excuse me?" I said bewildered.

    She sighed, "Seems like I scared you." She chuckled. Where did I catch myself into...

    "Uh...I think so..." I muttered, unable to think what I should indeed say to her.

    "Sorry," She said and forwarded her hand, "I'm Meira, by the way."

    Damn, she was more beautiful from close. She had blue eyes with a hint of green on the inner side. Those captivating eyes.

    I smirked at her forwarded hand. "Austin." I shook her hand. Her hand was thin, soft, and delicate compared to my big one. God, her charm is intoxicating.

    "So, Austin," she said. Damn, my name out of her mouth is hitting differently! "You come here often?"

    I sipped my drink, keeping my warm brown eyes locked with her cold bluish-green ones. She maintained mine.

    "I must say, you really have to work on your pickup lines." I snickered and she rolled her eyes but her lips curved up.

    "I don't do this often, okay." She defended herself.

    I chuckled and answered her question, "No, I don't come here often." I replied putting the glass down. "My friend's birthday, actually. He's in the VIP section upstairs."

    "Oh, then why are you alone, sitting here? Drinking away your pain?" She asked giggling. That sound didn't fail to make my southern region twitch. I sit shifting myself to make myself a bit more comfortable.

    "Parties aren't actually my thing. I came here just because he's one of my close friends." I said. She nodded.

    I asked her, "So, what were you talking about..." I looked into her eyes directly, "...fucking me? Asking me if you can check my pants and take 'em off. You still want to see me naked?"

    She chuckled, "Relax, the note was just for some kicks. For no reason in particular. And I know my pick-up line sucks." I laughed. She laughed softly before sighing and putting her elbows on the counter, on either side. She then turned her face in my direction, "I'm going to be honest with you only because you weren't acting like a perv from the beginning."

    "My pleasure," I smirked. She rolled her eyes but smiled anyway. My smirk widens a bit as I sip my brandy.

    "So, as you see, I..." She gestured both hands all over her body from top to bottom, "...still hasn't experienced any 'mature' experience." She air-quoted 'mature'.

    "Mature experience? As in kiss?" I asked. She shook her head.


    She snorted but shook her head and then nodded. I eyed her with confusion. "It's complicated." She clarified.

    I asked further, "Sex? You mean sex?" She sighed and nodded. "Why?" I asked.

    "Because my previous boyfriends were dorks and we only lasted for like, weeks?" She explained. "No wait, Justin lasted for four months actually then I found out that he was secretly going to a whore house for good fucks as I didn't went into his pants on the first date." She said the last two words in a fake deep voice.

    I laughed at her talking style. She's fun and straightforward. I like her, damn.

    "You must have kissed someone?" I asked.

Twisted (A Bodyguard Romance)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon