S1Ep1: Beware The Beast From Below

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Ethan Jones Voiced by: Jensen Ackles

Ethan Look:

As I lounged in my room, idly tossing a baseball into the air and catching it, my brother Fred entered looking visibly perturbed

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As I lounged in my room, idly tossing a baseball into the air and catching it, my brother Fred entered looking visibly perturbed.

"Everything all right?" I inquired, arching an eyebrow at his uncharacteristic mood.

Fred sank into a chair with a heavy sigh. "Just got back from cracking the latest case," he announced.

I furrowed my brow in confusion. "Isn't that usually cause for celebration?"

Fred folded his arms. "Sheriff Bronson filled Dad in on the details," he explained.

It made sense why Fred was in a sour mood, especially given that our father held the position of mayor. The weight of that responsibility, combined with his strict disapproval of Fred's penchant for solving mysteries with his group of friends, undoubtedly contributed to Fred's frustration.

I was no stranger to Fred's friends, Daphne Blake, Velma Dinkley, Shaggy Rogers, and Scooby-Doo. They were my friends as well, although I tended to keep a low profile, as I didn't socialize much and often felt like the outsider in the Jones family.

As Fred began to brainstorm more ideas for traps, Dad entered the room. "Ethan, could you give me a moment alone with your brother?" he requested, clasping his hands together.

"Sure, Dad," I replied, rising from my seat. I left the bedroom and made my way to the kitchen, where I started preparing a quick breakfast before school. The sound of my dad and Fred's voices carried through the floorboards as they talked in the other room.

Third Person POV:

Deep below the city, in the dimly lit sewers, three workers toiled away at their tasks. The second worker operated a noisy jackhammer, the echoing clangs reverberating through the tunnels. Meanwhile, the third worker paused to stretch his aching back, the strain of their labour evident on his face.

"Hey, are you sure you don't want to try some of this Fruitmeier's smoothie?" the first worker called out, lazily spooning the peculiar slush from a cup. "It's surprisingly delicious." Just as he leaned against the damp wall, it crumbled beneath his weight, sending him tumbling into the darkness.

Worker 1 landed on his back, managing to keep hold of the cup of smoothie slush. "Who broke that wall?" he demanded, eyeing the other two workers.

"We barely touched it," Worker 2 protested, bewildered.

As Worker 2 and Worker 3 surveyed the newly revealed cavity, Worker 3 wondered, "Is this another section of the sewer?"

Worker 1 lifted his head, scanning their surroundings. "Impossible. There's only one sewer, and we're in it," he stated. "Unless..."

Before Worker 1 could finish his thought, Worker 2 interjected, suggesting, "We've stumbled into another dimension."

"No, you fool," Worker 1 retorted, rising to his feet. "We've broken through into one of the old Crystal Cove caves."

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