The Professor is Hogwarts Royalty?

Start from the beginning

Ron screamed. Hermione moans in disgust; Harry just simply rolls his eyes. Nick reattaches his head back to his body. Later, Percy meets Harry after dinner before the Hufflepuff leaves.

" I am so proud of you Harry," Percy said "Pretty sure your dad is crying that he lost the bet."

"Thanks, Mom" Harry smiled then he saw Dumbledore coming to them. He signals his mom then she turns and smiles her fake smile at him.

"Hello professor, is there a problem?" Percy asked

"Well Mrs. Jackson, I believe the sorting hat made a mistake on Harry's sorting," he said " I believe he might be better in Gryffindor than Hufflepuff.  He might feel closer to his mother and father in the lion house" he emphasised on the word mother. Percy looked down and before she said anything.....

" My mom may not be my birth mom but she is my mom. Plus Mom always makes sure I know my parents and I am sure they are too proud of whichever house I am in, Professor " Harry said in his sassy way. " I should go...I need to see my common room. Bye Mum, see you tomorrow!"

Harry hugs her one more time and runs off to follow the Hufflepuff.

"You heard him...there is no need to change his house. He is perfectly in the right house." Percy said as she turned to Dumbledore.

" There are not many first years this year in Hufflepuff," Dumbledore said "They have been to study with Gryffindors anyway. Professor McGonagall will show you to your room, Professor Jackson...have a good night"

"Yeah you too" Percy smiled as he walked away and out of view she groaned. "I so want to punch him" She muttered


"Hufflepuffs, follow me, please. Keep up. Thank you." The perfect Hufflepuff Anderson leads all the Hufflepuff in the direction of their dorms " This is the most direct path to the dormitories. Oh, and keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change." He said as they headed down to the dungeons

Soon they arrived at the common room entrance. Harry sees three huge barrels against the wall.

"Watch me this is how to enter the common room" He knocks on the barrel three knocks and says "Honey"

A secret door opens up and they all see Hufflepuff dorm.

"Wow," Susan said " Follow me, little badgers. Keep up. Quickly, come on." Anderson said leading them all inside as all the 8 first years stood in a circle.

"Gather around here. Welcome to the Hufflepuff Common Room. The boys' dormitory is upstairs and down to your left. Girls, the same on your right. You'll find that your belongings have already been brought up." He said " Hufflepuff may be known for our kindness but we mostly value loyalty and patience.  That is why you are a Hufflepuff, We are okay with most houses but they think we are weak cause we are kind....but that is not true....we can be absolute meances if they hurt our fellow friends and housemates. We Hufflepuffs always stick together"

Everyone smiled. He looked at them before continuing "You can bring friends from other houses here for hangout or sleepover and sneak into the kitchens for hot chocolate anytime. Well, That is all and if you have more questions please find Professor Sprout who is the Head of our house, or any of us prefects. "

Later at midnight. Harry is sitting by a window in his pj's in his dorm room, with Hedwig. He pets the owl and looks out the window, sighing with content, knowing that he will love it here at Hogwarts. Meanwhile, his mom who is in the staff tower is writing a letter to the gang.

"Oh poor Regulus is going to lose so much money"


"James stop crying! For goodness sake" Lily said

"But...lilyyyyyy.....I lost the bet." James said crying like crazy

"James you're dead. You don't have to pay her."

"But Sirius and Moony do"

"James she will kill them when she sees them. I know she couldn't write to Moony cause something was returning her owls without Moony receiving them. But he should have at least written to her"

"I wanted to be their best man...but I am deaddddddd"

Hades just watches from his castle siping on wine. "Wizards...Great entertainment. I wonder what is the next episode of Sassy Percy at Hogwarts going to start."

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