"Getting to know each other"

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they were going somewhere.

It was,a restaurant.. Nathalie's Favorite to be in fact,But Gavin Didn't Know That.

The Guy Wanted To Know More About.. Nathalie..Who Nathalie Sancoeur Really is.

As they soon arrived at the restaurant, Nathalie's eyes lit up as she saw it was her favorite restaurant,Nathalie Asked Gavin..

"How come you know where my favorite restaurant is..?"

Gavin replied

"Oh um..I just had a feeling!"

He chuckled nervously and scratch the back of this head

Nathalie chuckles,she said

"How about we go in now,hm?"

"Y-yes! Yes sure.. let's go."

Gavin said as he walks Infront of the door and opened it for her.

"You are quite the gentleman, aren't you?"

She Chuckled Again.

Gavin blushes a little and said

"Anything for the gorgeous lady Infront of me of course!"

Nathalie blushed a little too and said while one of her hand was on her face..

"Oh stop it,you're to good."

She chuckled.

"Shall we?"

Gavin offered his hand to her.

"Of course,"

Gavin took her hand as he walked her to their table.

The guy opened a seat for her,then she sat down,and so did Gavin.

Soon after a waiter approaches them.

The waiter said

Hello ma'am,sir..May I take Your order?

Gavin asked Nathalie

"What would you like to eat?"

"Oh um.."

Nathalie said

Then the waiter apologized because he forgot to give them the menu,He then gives it to them.

Nathalie said "it was ok.." and looked inside the menu..Gavin Smiled And Did The Same.

"Can I get.."

She then goes on with her order.

The waiter smiled,said thank you ma'm and asked Gavin what he would like to eat.

Gavin replied

"Oh um,Ok I Think I'll Get The.."

After he was done,the waiter said

"Thank you ma'am and sir..your older will soon arrive shortly."

The waiter smiled and left to get their orders.

After the waiter left,Gavin Said

"This place is really comforting,I really love it."

"Is that why you bought me here?"

Nathalie Asked.

"I want to get to know you better,so I thought this place will be a nice pick."

Gavin said,smiling.

The woman never smiled so happily before,She Hasn't Been Doing Anything Much Because She Had So Much To Do And Doesn't Have Anyone To Go Out With Her Anyway.

"I'm really glad you brought me here,Thank you.Tonight Will Actually Be A good time into getting to know each other.."

She told him as she smiled happily,her eyes filled with such happiness.

Then The Food Arrived After.

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