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Gabriel said as he pinned Nathalie against the wall

"Who was that and why were you talking to him!?"

Nathalie blushes

"W-why sir..can't I talk to people now?And..He's Just A Lovely Guy.. That's All.."

Gabriel said in annoyance

"I don't like that guy."

"Do you..know him sir?"

"I..I don't..BUT I just Well..Have A Suspicion!"

Nath Chuckles

"Oh,sir..are you..Jealous?"

Gabriel's eyes widen as he realized how he was acting,He Actually Was Jealous And Didn't Know Why.


Nathalie Smiles

"Then why were you so mad and worked up as you casually just dragged me into a corner and pin me to a wall!?"

Gabriel blushed and sighed as he pulled away

"Um..I don't know..Sorry I don't know why I'm doing this let's just.. let's just go.."

Nathalie blushes


They both went back and told Adrien to go on without them and just go home before 4 pm.

Adrien nodded as he continues to talk to people while they interview him.

Nathalie and Gabriel went inside the car and told the driver to head home.


Nathalie's phone had a notification,it was Gavin.

Gabriel saw it and took her phone

"Who is this Nathalie?"

"N-no one sir.."

She takes the phone from him,Gabriel looked at her with one eyebrow raised.


They soon arrived home

Gabriel got out of the car and Nathalie Followed.

Nathalie went to his office and sat on her desk,she smiled knowing that the text was from Gavin.

Gabriel was still somewhere around the house as Nathalie and Gavin continued chatting.

Nathalie said in the chat

"Go somewhere tonight?I guess I can go."

Gavin replied

"Awesome!! See you tonight m'lady😉"

Nathalie chuckles and blushes a little

"Oh shut it,Hahaha!"

Gavin laughed

"Alright Alright,Can't Wait To See You!"

"Can't wait to see you too,Gavin."

Gabriel walked in,Nathalie immediately turned off her phone and hid it underneath her desk.

"Oh hello,sir.."

Gabriel looked at her,one eyebrow raised again

"Nathalie,are you hiding something from me?"

"Me sir?Oh No,Of course not!"

"Mhm.. alright Nathalie I believe you."

Nath sighed in relief.

Gabriel walks up to his computer and starts to finish his design.

Time passed and it was already Evening.

"Sir I'll..be going home now.."

"Oh.. right..yes um see you tomorrow, Nathalie..go home safe,And Make Sure To ACTUALLY go HOME, Alright?"

"Y-yes sir! Of course..!"

She lied.

"Mhm,Go Home Now,See you tomorrow."

"Yes sir.."

Nathalie went outside as a car pulled up,it was Gavin.

Gavin went out the car and opened the door for her.

"Hello there Gorgeous!"

Nathalie chuckles

"Oh stop it Gavin!"

She laughed

He laughs too and said

"I don't think I will,I Can't Help it!"

Nathalie chuckles again

"Alright Alright,let's go now..hm?"

She went inside the car as Gavin closed it and also went inside the car,they were going somewhere.

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