Always Being Followed

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When she stopped about inches away, she starred into Don's eyes.

"You caused me some pain in the past and you don't know it. I wish you died instead of..."She stopped and faced the ground, having tears hitting the sand."Like you give a d*mn about my f*cked up life."

She turned around and ran into a building.

"I told you Em's she won't take this very well."

This is confusing.

"What the hell did I do?"

Kati sat down on the sand.

"During the invasion of yours with the robots, something bad happened. Don't ask what, I promise I wouldn't tell, so did Emily."

Don looked at the door Sarah stormed into.

"You shouldn't talk to her, it will just frustrate her even more."

Don looked at Kati, then remembered about the tracking divice.

"Can you get the tracking divice out of me now?"

Emily walked over to Don, then her eyes went big.

Don followed her eyes and saw someone on the roof.


Miss jumped down and laughed.

"You look awful and you have friends. Let me guess, Emily and Kati nice to finally meet you."

That was when Sarah walked out with a tessen and pulled a kunai out of the tessen.

"You must be Sarah, your past is heart breaking I have to admit."

"Why don't f*ck off b*tch?"

Miss smiled.

"Sorry sweety, I need to tell Don a message."


"What message?"

Miss turned to face Don.

"Shredder wants you to now that he has someone you love. You know the girl you got preganat."


Don tensed up.

"Were is she?"

"Were you escaped, were your brothers are."

Don looked behind him, far into the distance.

'Not again, this isn't happening. History is repeating itself.'

The image of Hoshi dieing poped up in his head.

"Don, help."

Don turned around and saw a katana right at Kati's neck.

Don took a step towards her.

"Stop right there Don or she will die on the sand."

"Why can't you just leave me alone? Stop following me, I just want to be alone."

Miss shook her head slowly.

"Don, don't you understand you are never alone. Never."

She's right, I'm never alone. I'm always being followed.

"Your right Miss, everyone is always following me."

Miss smiled.

"So why live."

Miss smiled dropped.

"Don think through this."

Don changed into Takashi and Takashi took control.

"Miss, Miss, you shouldn't play with a canavor."

Miss dropped the katana and ran.

Takashi spread his wings and flew to Miss and grabbed her arm and flow to the skies.

"Takashi please don't kill me."

She had tears falling down her face.

Takashi looked at her.

"You made me kill people, know you want me not to, make up your mind."

Then he punched her in the head, hard enough to knock her out.

"Good night b*tch."

Then he let go and landed by Emily and turned back to Don.

"Did you have to kill her?"

Don starred at the body.

"She wouldn't stop following, but I'm still being followed, every second of my life. It has to stop."

Then he turned around and walked into a building.

Why do they follow me?

TMNT Hiding Horror (Season 4)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon