
542 10 3

Carlos really was nowhere to be seen, I guessed he probably had enough of babysitting everyone and needed some time out. I don't blame him, after a week of this it gets tiring. I got myself some orange juice and headed back to my room. Just as I started showering I heard a knock at my door, these boys are respectful I'll give them that. It was Lando pasted with a big smile on his face, I knew he was up to something immediately. 

"Morning mate! I need you to get ready and come down in 10 can you do that?"

"Err...Yeah I guess, where are we-"

He didn't let me finish my sentence as he left my room hopping  his way down the stairs. I did as I was told and got myself into my two piece dress, instinct told me to put my bikini on underneath, not sure why though. Lando met me at the front door and we left without a word, I still had no idea what he was up to but I was up for the adventure. He helped me into the car and drove off towards the port.

"Soooo where we going?"

"Lia I cannot confirm or deny that you will be on a boat going somewhere, but that's all I'll say"

The mystery soon came to an end when we parked up next to the boat and I could see Carlos' majestic hair blowing over in the wind. He looked handsome but I wouldn't want to admit that to him or his ego might just burst. 

"Amor thanks for joining me" "Are you ready to set sail?"

"Carlos why are you wearing a captain's hat and why are we on this boat?"

"Enough questions Natalia, make yourself comfy I'll start the engine"

I put my phone onto silent whilst we enjoyed the waves of the sea and the sun scorching over us. I sunbathed over the deck of the boat whilst Carlos grabbed us some cold Estrella's, we lied in the sun for over an hour and that peace was something I had been craving since we'd got here. 

"Do you think the guys would have noticed we're both coincidentally gone?"

"If I know them well enough, then no. They're normally so obsessed of themselves they wouldn't notice unless you yourself said something to them"

"This is nice Carlos. I appreciate you doing this for me"

"I did this for us amor, we needed an actual first date. Between all the races and team events, we both never have time for this. I don't want to keep sneaking around post race and pre quali. I want this for real if you do too"

I was taken aback by his words. He was soft with how he spoke, but his words were truer than ever before. He was right, we can't keep sneaking around, it is not good for either of us. 

"Carlos I agree, the sneaking around is too much for both of us. Let's just face it together, if we have each other it won't be too hard"

As we headed back to the port Carlos played our favourite songs and held me tight as he steered the boat back to where we started. On the drive back to the villa he held my hand tighter than ever before. We knew the conversations that needed to be had wouldn't be easy, especially with my brother but it had to be done. As we walked in, Max was the only one in, he was sat with a bottle of tequila on his lap and a grin on his face. 

"LIA! Oh I missed you where were you?" His breath stank of a combination of bottles I could see on the counter

"M are you alright?"

"Yeah of course I am sis, I just want to know where you went"

"I was just at the port with Carlos, he thought it would be good to get some peace away from the villa for a few hours. Is everything okay with you? Where's everyone else, why are you alone?"

"Honestly Nat I don't know where everyone went. But as usual you weren't here for me, instead you went off wandering with the enemy"

"Max, stop being silly, they've probably gone to get some dinner for us. And what are you on about 'enemy' Carlos is one of your best mates you're being real immature right now"

"Carlos what do you have to say about this, usually you have plenty to say and now you're silent"

Carlos didn't speak, he was sensible. Max eyeballed us both, then saw our hands intertwined, then looked back up and jumped up to his feet. He ran towards the bathroom and we decided to give him a moment. I headed in with some water and towels and cleaned Max up. Clearly the mixture of drinks didn't sit well in his stomach, but it wouldn't take a genius to work that one out. 

"Max, do you want me to bring you anything?"

"No Lia I am okay. Sorry I didn't mean to get angry"

"It's fine bro, just know I didn't want to hurt you, you've just been a little distant that's all"

"I'm happy if you're happy, just move back into ours when we get back. The house is desperate for feminine touch and decorations"

I got Max up to bed and tucked him in like Mom used to when we all lived together. He was relaxed and at peace and for that I was grateful. When I came back down the boys had come back too, the sweet smells of pastries and our dinner filled the halls and rooms in the villa. Everyone ate together and enjoyed laughter and jokes until late into the night. We made the most of our last night here before having to go back home and face the second half of the season together. 


This second half would be different though, I was at peace with Max and his temper had been tamed. I had Lando finally forgive me for the troubles of last summer and we now worked together really well. The McLaren media had won a few awards too over the summer, all thanks to hard work of the entire team. It made me feel great to be apart of a team like this with no stresses. Above all of that I had Carlos to come home to each week, we began doing alternative weeks so he'd stay with Max and I on some weeks and I would come to visit him in Milan. But after a few months it became tiring so we moved out together in Monaco, Max joined us to stay in the penthouse across the street which was close enough for us. 

This was the dream, and I was lucky enough to be living it...

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