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We walk in together but Max gets quickly distracted by Christian Horner, who leads him into a crowd of gawking middle-aged men who are obsessed with our family.
Meanwhile I busy myself by checking out the food carts and I happened to find one with fresh strawberries and chocolate - it's a must at every event to find the best food and pile it up. So I stack the fruit and get plenty of chocolate to give myself a heart attack and head over to Max who found our seats for us after escaping his fanboys.

"Did you bring a plate for me?" Max's eyes widened, I think he already knew the answer but expected me to willingly change my plan and share
"Nope, sorry I didn't think you'd want any" "it's not exactly driver diet friendly is it?"
"I guess you're right but one won't hurt, I'm going to get one for me, I'll be back"
Once Max walked off I began wiping my hands because I quickly realised the chocolate had gotten everywhere.
"Do you need some help?"
I look up to meet the soft brown eyes of a Spaniard by the name of Sainz, Carlos to be precise, Junior if we're being specific.
He's hot. And I don't just mean hot like a summers day, I mean goddammmmn, he's hot.
"I'm okay, just a messy eater" why did I say that
He laughed, not sure if it was a pity laugh or a real one
"It's okay, I am too" He smirked. "But just so you know I think you might want to wipe it off on the sides of your face before the paps catch you"
"Oh fuck" "I'll be right back" I ran to the ladies room and witnessed horror in the mirror - I had transferred the chocolate from my plate to my face somehow and spoken to THE Carlos Sainz with chocolate on my face. How stupid did I just look?

After washing off that look, I reapplied my powder and gloss and sat back down before the show started. I actually don't know the reason for the gala today but I know they were raising money for a good cause so I was happy to be a part of it. Turns out Sainz and who I presume to be his sister were sat opposite me and Max. We all cheered for the hosts and enjoyed the auction of f1 memorabilia in which I did zero participation in as the last thing I needed was more trophies and car bits in the house.

Shortly after the auction there was an open bar, so I naturally found myself sipping on some margaritas whilst Max caught up with some friends from the paddock. This time I looked up I met the eyes of another pair of soft brown eyes but these belonged to a Brit.
Lando and I have a bit of history, nothing too serious but a summer fling and some serious sexting meant that I can't really look at him the same way anymore.
"Hello stranger" He will always greet me this way even when we used to wake up next to each other in Ibiza last year, clearly thinks he's funny
"Fancy seeing you here Mr Norris! I would've thought you'd be busy streaming or playing some round of golf or something?"
" Well when I knew Max was bringing you, I made sure to be here, was thinking we could hang out tonight - just you and I - like the old times"
Without hesitation I knew my answer
"No thanks Lan, it's been a long night I'm ready to go home, thanks for offering though!"
I was not going to let him get the upper hand here, I want the ball to be in my court not his, plus I'm looking to move on from him, he's worse than my brother when it comes to emotions so I don't think I want that in my life again, even if the sex was good.

Okay that was kinda longer but hopefully not too much to get through. I've tried bringing up some of her past but there will be more to come from that soon.
I hope you guys enjoyed this one too

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