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Carlos helped me out his car before grabbing my bags as well as his and leading me through to the paddock. Holding onto my arm, he was cautious to make sure nobody shoved me whilst we made our way through the crowds surrounding the entrance to the garages.
"Natalia, be careful okay?" "If you want to talk to me after the media stuff just text me" He gently placed a kiss on my head before heading towards his garage and leaving me to enter mine.

I was still in shock, how could someone who made themselves so vulnerable around me treat me this way. Lance had a lot of explaining to do but it can wait, I need to speak with my brother first to work out why he wouldn't tell me the real truth.

Max was nowhere to be seen in the RB garage, I searched and searched before finding my seat back up on the terrace and resting my leg there till it stopped aching.
"Lia I've got media now!" Max appeared below the balcony and had spotted me before I found him. "We'll meet for some dinner at 6 alright?"
"Sure Max" I shouted down but by the time I looked down to see if he was there he had already magically disappeared.

Joe brought up some food from their hospitality department and we both dined on the terrace whilst finishing our most recent posts for the Instagram page.
"Nat can I ask you a personal question?" I glanced over before nodding to Joe to proceed.
"Do you find it hard being in the limelight with Max at all?" "Like I know you have grown up and probably gotten used to it but that doesn't necessarily make it easier I'm guessing?"

I hesitate, I know he means well by this question but in the back of my head all I can think of is if Lance was to post whatever film he'd made, I'd be more than just in the limelight.

"Um, well, yes. That's the short answer" I sighed heavier than I had anticipated "with Max you just never know which way the press will treat him, some days are great and he's a national hero, and then others he's a villain all because he didn't stop for fans or he didn't open the door for me when we've gone out" "truly it's a unique experience for me, but yeah it's tough. However Max gets treated is usually the way I get treated so on the good days it's great and on the bad days...well not so great"

"I thought as much" "look I know you're leaving the team soon but I wanted you to know you've been a best friend for me, I'm not sure how I would've got through these months of the season without you around to keep me on track" Joe went to his backpack to pull a little bag out with my name written on the side of it "I also got you something that I hope you'll enjoy as much as I enjoyed bringing it together" he hands me this gift bag that's filled to the brim with gift paper and confetti pieces.

I pulled out a photo book that Joe had created, it was handmade with photos from all our media shoots together since being with the team. He had compiled the photo book with care and consideration and it showed. It was beautiful.
I also found a bracelet in the bag, it was a dark blue friendship bracelet that he had a matching one to go with.

"Oh thank you so much Joe!" "You didn't have to go to all this trouble but these gifts are amazing, I love them" I hugged Joe as tightly as I could before sliding over my bracelet so we could match this weekend.

I had spent a lovely afternoon chatting with members of the team and Joe had kindly offered to drive me back to the hotel where I would soon be having the next difficult conversation with my brother. I managed to get myself to our suite in one piece but as soon as I found my bed I collapsed over it, still being careful not to make my ankle worse in the process. Max was on his way back too but stuck in traffic, so I began on ordering our dinner, I knew we'd be getting some pizza today as it's really the only day we can have cheat food before race day. Carlos messaged me which distracted me from my main thoughts.

Carlos ❤️

Hola Natalia, do you need anything?
I'm in the suite below Max's so just give me a call if you want anything okay?

Thanks Carlos I appreciate it but I'm okay for now :)

Max arrived not too long after that message and he showered and made himself comfortable on the couch with me . Our dinner was almost ready but we had some time to catch up before that.

"Max, why did you and Lance really end up fighting" "and please don't give me the same bs as before, if you try it I will just walk out of here"
Max looked up from his phone with the most expressionless face ever, no smile, no anger.

"Lia, you should know I meant no harm to you or to anyone that night, I was wasted and took a silly step in resolving something quite serious"
He went on to explain exactly everything Carlos had said to me. I was somewhat reassured by the truth even if the risk still remained that Lance would release some video

We spent the rest of the evening chilling and enjoying our meal. I knew my next problem was Lance but at this moment in time I needed to enjoy the fact that I had my brother by my side looking out for me


Between going on holiday and being at work everyday this week, it's been impossible to check on my story. I'll try and and some more chapters to it soon but I don't want to ruin quality over quantity :)

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