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I knocked twice before Max swung the door open and guided me over to his couch in the room. I almost tripped over my good foot, but I saved myself and lay down whilst he decided to perch himself on the opposite side of the couch. I was waiting for the right way to start the talk but Max decided to start it for me

"Ok, I have had a lot of time to think about all that went down before you left and I just need to say I'm sorry."

"Max it's o-"

"Lia let me finish" "I let you down last week, I've been letting you down for a while now, you work hard for me, you take care of me where mum can't and I haven't treated you the way you deserve. When you left last week, I realised I really rely on you for everything, you're the reason my career hasn't fallen apart yet" My eyes began welling up but I didn't want him to stop talking. "Lando explained it all to me when he came by after you left, I thought you were messing around with him but it turns out he was just looking out for you where I couldn't, and he told me how you make all your decisions based on me and my career, even when you didn't have to" "Can we put this all behind us because honestly the house feels empty without you nagging me in it"

We both laugh but I grabbed his hand before I started "Max, I'm sorry too, I was getting caught up in a lifestyle that didn't belong to me, it's yours and you need to enjoy it a little more. Lando was only looking out for me but you need to know that one day I will bring a guy back for you to meet but you won't be allowed to ice me out again because I will really never speak to you again if that happens." "And with us working together, it made me realise something, we spend wayyy too much time together, that's probably why you were missing me last week after I left"

"Are you trying to quit working for me"

"I am, but just for a little while. I've been offered a place in the McLaren team and I want to explore that option and I would hope for you not to hold me back on an opportunity like this"

"Will you still live with me though? I don't want to even attempt helping you move out, you have way too much stuff"

"No I think I'll stay with you, I can drive myself or go with Lando to the office, plus I think I would miss our energy if I left"

"Enough of the soppy shit, shall we grab some food?" Max knew just the words to cheer me up, and after what I thought was going to be a difficult chat we headed back out into the streets of Montreal. We walked over to the local pizzeria which we knew had the best pizza and garlic bread in the area, we got ourselves a table and some beers and caught up fully with no distractions.

Max's eyes widened when I told him about the ankle incident, but he wasn't too mad that I had Lance take care of me. Clearly he likes Lance more than he lets on, because I'm sure the gossip pages believe those two hate each other in the paddock.

"Lia I'm just glad you're okay. Please don't ever wear those stupid shoes again, if you go clubbing you're wearing sketchers or crocs only"

"I appreciate the advice grandma, but yeah no more clubbing for me till my ankle is fixed." The restaurant got louder and busier as I noticed some familiar faces heading our way. Lando and Carlos had made their way to our table and placed themselves on either side of Max. Lando laughed at my boot whilst Carlos gave me a more concerned look as he poured my wine into my glass for me. "So guys, how's your boring lives been without me there to fill them?"

Lando raised a glass for his toast "Cheers to Nat being as clumsy as ever but reuniting the golf gang once again" Our glasses clinked and we all relaxed and enjoyed our night, and it was actually nice to be surrounded by these three, I didn't want to admit it to them but I missed this a lot.

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