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Max and I arrived together to the paddock and waltzed through the crowds until we finally got to the Red bull garage. I picked up my headphones and walkie talkie and headed for the friends and family area. I always keep a walkie talkie in case Max ever needs anything from me, even when we were kids we had a set that we used to gossip through so our mom and dad could never catch us. Mom found it quite entertaining, but Dad used to find it infuriating. He saw it as yet another reason for Max to fall behind because he was too busy being an older brother and not a race car driver.

"Morning Verstappens!" Rachel greeted us both as we entered, she was holding a hefty folder that she slowly passed over to me. "I'm sorry Nat, but Joe left these pages for you to review before he posted any, it's gonna take some time so you might want to start now" Her smile dropped, as did mine, I always enjoyed watching Max qualify, it was a lot more exciting in general compared to the race days. He's been making big improvements too since he first started, now with a faster car, I knew he was destined for success.

"That's okay Rach, nothing to be sorry for, this is the role I signed up for anyway" I forced a smile as I took the folder and walked up to the terrace again. I can already tell this will be my favourite place to work from, given the peace and the good lighting. I get to work and review each page, some longer than others, but I slowly manage to get through them all. I didn't bother to check the time, but I knew quali was over since everyone had returned to their offices to start preparing for the morning.

Footsteps belonging to Joe approached "I am sorry Nat, with only half the team coming out here this weekend, it put me under a lot more pressure. How did the review go? Do you think we should post these blogs and photos?" I could hear his sincerity and thankfully he brought those delicious drinks from yesterday to apologise with, so I couldn't be too annoyed at him.

"It's okay, these things happen, it's fine. But yes, I am happy with the most part, but there's one section you entered for M about our dad that I don't think he'll be too happy with, so can we run it by him before it gets posted?" Joe and the team had to have known that even though I am working for the team, I will always have Max's best interests at heart.
"Yes of course that's fine. Should I take it to him or would you like to?"

"No I trust you, just make sure he reads that specific part, I have a feeling he won't want it worded that way" I didn't lie on both parts, I do trust Joe, he's always been good to me and as for Max's article, I don't think he wants the team to paint our dad in any sort of bad light, even though he was a terrible guy.

I head back to the hotel with some of the team and I just couldn't wait to get back to bed. Today had been a very long day for me, I needed good food and a good sleep to fully recover. When I swiped back into the room I found it empty, shockingly my brother had been and gone without telling me. I left him a text to check if he wanted food, then I decided to shower with my thoughts and order it once I'm back out.

I step back out of my room to find both Carlos and Max sitting on the sofa.
"Hey" they shout in sync
"Hey Natalia, I didn't see you today in the paddock, feeling okay?" Carlos stood tall as he spoke to me, I was worried he would mention last night but I guess not.
"Oh I was at hospitality for most of the today, how did you both do? I didn't even get a chance to check the results"
"Lia I'm on pole!!" Max jumps up and grabs me as we jump together in celebration.
"OMG that's incredible M! You deserve it, that's such great news" "And Carlos how did you do?"

"I'm P2" He looks over to Max with a short smile which became more sinister since they're both on the front row the tension is going to run high.
"That's amazing Carlos, you should be happy with that too" I felt bad because I want to celebrate both of them but it would be strange to hug Carlos for getting P2, something he's used to when he's been driving with Ferrari.

After we shared our pizza, Max jumped back in the sim. Carlos stayed to help clean up and we chatted over the counter about the best things to do in the city.
"So have you been to a game before at Camp Nou?"
"Carlos that's a rhetorical question, I've been every season. Max would never join me, he's a Real Madrid fan like you, but I always make sure I go to the games"
"Wow I didn't realise Max and I had that in common, he never said"
"You never asked" I look over to check if Max was paying any attention but his eyes were glued to those damn screens as usual.

"So let me show the sides of the city you haven't seen then...I make a great tour guide" Carlos' smile was infectious. I can feel his eyes pierce my back and it forces me to turn to face him.

"Sorry dude, I told you I already have plans for Sunday, but if they change, I will definitely keep you in mind okay?" I sigh knowing my plans aren't going to change at all, if anything I have a backup plan to make sure I do not get caught spending my entire day surrounded by the Spaniard. 

"Nothing to be sorry for, I know your reasons" I look up to see Carlos seeing right through me, he knows, he knows more than he lets on. 

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