All New, All Different (SVTFOE)

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Dimension: X-190519 (formerly X-180115)

Location: Diaz Residence, Lumina Valley

Date: Spring 2017, 3 Weeks after the Battle of The Star-Crossed Lovers







Marco found it hard to adjust with losing an arm, sure he could just whip up a new one with magic, but there are two reasons as to why he's against doing that.

1. Magic was what got his original one severed to begin with.

2. Even if he could conjure one, he doesn't have the training to do so flawlessly. He'd rather have a practical arm than a magically conjured one.

Someone knocked on the door to Marco's room, it was the former prince of the underworld, Tom Lucitor, Hey Marco, everything alright, he asked.

No dude, everything isn't alright, I'm having a hard time to adjust to this, Marco replied while gesturing his face to the lack of a right arm.

It was my good hand, writing and grabbing stuff has been alot harder, heck I can't cook how I used to, I wanted to make Star's favorites foods for her when she comes by later today, Marco said with a sad frown on his face.

Tom consoled his best friend, Look, I know it must be hard to adjust to this and you want to still do the same things you could before, and I wanted to give you this, Tom replied while giving Marco a long wrapped gift.

Tom lifts up the lid to reveal a metal arm, basic in all areas, but it does the job a biological arm would. Tom, I don't know what to say, Thank you, Marco said.

Oh it wasn't just me, sure I forged it, but it was Star's idea, and don't tell her this, but it was meant to be for later today, but it seemed as though you needed it now, Tom replied.

Oh okay thanks, but you owe Star one after doing this, appreciate the gesture though, Marco replied.

So, you want to try it on now, Tom asked.

Sure, Marco replied.






Meanwhile at the Monster Temple....

No, not this

Hm, too tacky

Too Formal

Gah, Why is it hard to decide on something to wear for a date, Star said.

Knock, knock, can I come in? Moon replied.

Uh, yeah, come in, come in, Star replied.

Everything alright Star, Moon asked.

Uh no, I can't think of something to wear for my date and I want it to be perfect Mom, this is the first time with Marco without any interruptions, hopefully, Star replied.

Why not magically conjure one up, you used to do that before so often, Moon asked.

Mom, if I want to change things, part of that is to not cut corners, I'd rather prefer to do it the old fashioned way, I'd only use it if it were necessary, like if I were running late for something, Star replied.

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