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21 miles away..

"You need to leave" I repeated myself
for a 2nd time while Jhalen stood on the other side of my screen door. It was almost 1 in the morning, he was beyond drunk and I was completely over it.

"I just wanna talk to you" his words were running into each other. Even though he was trying to convince me he wasn't drunk I knew better. "We don't have anything to talk about. Especially when you're like this. I'm not going to tell you again. Get off my porch Jhalen" I immediately regretted having sex with him the other day. Men never handled good coochie being snatched away from them too well.

He stood there, staring at me through the glass "You don't love me anymore? That's what you're saying to me Crys?"

Jhalen's panties were in a bunch because I didn't answer any of his calls or texts. I eventually blocked his number while I sat with Zac. It was becoming a distraction and Zac was...nice.

"Jhalen, we can talk tomorrow" I lied in hopes of getting him to leave but that didn't work. I really wasn't in the mood to call the police again. I didn't need another scandal because of this man.

"I want to talk now Crystal" he said in a tone darker than before. I rolled my eyes, folding my arms across my chest. "Is somebody in there with you?" I knew it wouldn't be long before his real reason for popping up at my house like this began to show. I cleared my roster for a man that wouldn't trust me, let alone keep his dick to himself. My mama used to say they only accuse you when their guilty.

"If you must know, no. Their isn't anyone else here and so what if it was? I'm single, this is my house and I can do whatever I feel like doing in my house" I watched his face as his eyes darken, he clenched his fist and licked his bottom lip. He was mad and I had not a fuck to give.

"Open the door Crystal" he lowly snapped at me.

"I'm not opening shit" was my reply, completely unfazed by his actions. Jhalen chuckled a little bit so I guess the people in his head were telling jokes "You playing with me like I won't knock this shit down"

I stepped back from the door, incase he needed room and held my arms out. I didn't own a weapon but I could fight. Unfortunately, this wouldn't be our first altercation.

"Try it bitch" I could feel the cold breath leaving my mouth when I spoke. I know how I could get but it still left chills on my body.

Not long after, I noticed a car pulling throughout the gate and into my driveway. It was Dinorah. I had called her after I got the alert on my phone and realized who it was. She lived 30 minutes away from me so I'm not sure how she got here as quick as she did.

Once she parked, I heard the door open and the sound of something heavy being laid on the top of the car. Dinorah carried so I knew she wasn't coming alone. I watched her tuck it in the hostler on her jeans.

"It's late. Shouldn't you be at home?" she asked walking up towards the step. She stood behind Jhalen with her hand already by her side. Everybody needs that friend.

With bloodshot eyes Jhalen looked at me. They were screaming for help but what more could I do? I've tried for years. The bottle had a hold on him that I didn't have the power to break.

Without saying a word, Jhalen grabbed his phone and typed a little. I figured he was sending a message. "I'm going home" he looked back at me "My ride is coming to get me"

"Good" I turned my nose up, feeling embarrassed and disgusted. How could I love a man that made me feel like this? Your guess is as good as mine.

Jhalen smacked his lips, tossing his head to the side in some sort of sign of defeat "I'm just tryna talk to you Crys. I love you baby" I shook my head, not wanting to hear the same lie again. I was tired. I was finally tired.

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