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saturday morning.

📍Manhattan, New York.

I checked the GPS one more time, making sure the numbers of the address that was sent to me matched the ones on the house. I was here. Back in New York. Sitting in Jordyn's driveway. I didn't even know when she moved back. I really didn't know if she ever left the state when left me and took Brooklyn with her. I turned the car off, shoving the keys in my pocket after removing my seatbelt. I sent Jordyn a text, letting her know I was outside and she replied immediately, telling me the door was unlocked.

Before I could get out, I had a quick call to make, just to hear her voice.

"Hello? Everything okay?" Crystal asked as soon as she answered the phone. "Everything is fine. I just pulled up and I'm sitting in the driveway."

"How do you expect to get any answers doing that baby? I know you're nervous but it's going to be okay. Whether she's yours or she isn't"

"I know baby" I sighed, a little weight falling off my shoulders "Thank you Crystal. For everything."

"You know I got your back, boy" she laughed and it made me smile. "I love you. I'll see you in a few days"

"I love you too Zac" she said before we ended our call.

Now or never, right?

I walked into the front door of Jordyn's townhome and it smelled just like her. I have yet to see her but I smell her. I shook my head, closing and locking the door behind me. "It's not safe to be in here with the doors unlocked"

"I only unlocked it when you said you were outside. Make yourself comfortable. I'll be down in a few" she called from upstairs. As I made my way to the livingroom, I smiled seeing pictures of Brooklyn in the baby stages after 9 months I missed. She was beautiful. Smiling and happy in every photo. Was there a part of me that wanted her to be mine? I wasn't really sure.

"Sorry, she had a rough night. Her ears have been bothering her" I heard Jordyn say as she entered the livingroom from behind me. She walked around to face me, still looking the same. I rose from my seat as she stood there. "Hey" her greeting was short and nervous.

"Hey" I replied in a simple tone.

"Do you want something to drink or anything?" She asked finally taking the seat across from me and I politely declined, sitting back down.

"So how have you been?" I asked and watched her nervously playing with her fingers.

"I've been good. We just moved back a few months ago, still getting settled" I just nodded, accepting the fact she really did relocate instead of just answering the question. "And yourself?" she added.

"Oh, I'm straight. The field is where you can find me"

"I remember" she said before the air fell silent between us.

"Jordyn, I've already missed out on a lot. Let's just get down to it once and for all" I said and she sighed. "Zac..she isn't yours. She's Trevor's"

I slowly nodded, thinking about how I smashed most of the bones in Brooklyn's father's face the night I confronted him about sleeping with my then girlfriend. He was supposed to be my friend but Boosie said friends turn into busters. I knew Trevor, I'm sure he wanted nothing to do with her and his child.

"You know what Jordyn? If you would have just been honest with me instead of fighting me like I was the enemy none of this would be happening. I know this makes you uncomfortable, I can see it on your face, I hear it in your voice. It didn't have to be like this Jordyn"

"I know and I'm so sorry. I really am Zac. You're a good man, you deserved better than me"

"I hear you but that wasn't for you to decide. Listen, I was in love with you. You and that baby. When I heard the rumors, I had my suspicions but I put them on the back burner because regardless there was a innocent life that needed love and I was ready and willing to love her like she was mine even if she wasn't but you took that away from me. You took it from me and her, cheating yourself in the process"

Jordyn held her head down as tears began to fall to her lap. "I'm didn't mean to make you feel bad, I just want you to understand. I've made mistakes too Jordyn we all have and maybe we couldn't have worked it out for us but I would have stuck around for that little girl and you know it"

She cleaned her face the best she could with a tissue. "When did you find out or have you always known?" I asked curiously.

When Jordyn finally looked up at me, her tears were falling even faster. "I'll change her name if you want me to" and that told me she's always known. I couldn't do anything else but shake my head because I named her. I chose her name. First, middle and last.

"Is he even around now Jordyn? Does he see her?" she shook her head no, still wiping her face. "He sends money sometimes but not frequently but that's okay because I don't need his money. I just want him to be here for his daughter. That's all"

As easy as it would have been to tear Jordyn down a few more notches or discredit her as a mother or a person, I couldn't. I knew what it felt like to be hurt by your own decisions and having nobody to turn to but yourself.

"Come here" I said , standing up and helping her out of her seat. She kept her face covered as I pulled her into my arms, just giving her the hug I could feel she needed. "It's been hard Zac..I've been doing the best I can. I know I messed up, I know I haven't done everything right, I know—"

"Hey..calm down. That's the past Jordyn. I hope you've learned from your mistakes and all you can do now is be the best mother you can be to that little girl. Can you do that for me?" I pulled back from our hug to look at her tear soaked face. She nodded, using her tissue again. I let my arms fall and reached into my pocket to pull out a blank check and handed it to her. "Whatever she needs. Whatever you need. Fill it out and go get it"

"What Zac? No. No way I'm taking any money from you" she shook her head, "I've already taken enough"

"Jordyn, either you take the check or I drop off some cash before I leave in a few days." She started at me, looking between the paper in my hand and my face. Reluctantly, she finally grabbed the check from me and folded it once before placing it in her pocket. "Thank you Zac. I can't explain what you even caring means to me"

I offered her a smile before hugging her once more and walking towards the front door. She followed close behind, not saying another word. I reached for the handle to open the door and the cold Manhattan air hit my face. "Take care of yourself and Brooklyn" I stepped out, never turning around to look at her.

"I will. I promise" she said.


📍Atlanta, Georgia.

The timer on Crystal's phone finally rang, letting her know the longest 3 minutes of her life were finally over. Without another moment of hesitation, she nearly ran into the bathroom to see what results were on the clear blue stick she had left sitting on a paper towel on the sink. She closed her eyes, silently praying that God make her heart content with whatever plans He had. Crystal gathered a deep breath before she opened her eyes to look down at that counter. Unsure of her emotions, she gasped and held her chest as her vision grew cloudy from her tears, after reading the results.


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