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I discreetly adjusted my hat so the shadow from the visor would cover my face a little more on my way to the entrance of the shooting range. Outside of getting Crystal's number, my only goal for today was not to draw any attention to myself. Sometimes nobody noticed me when I wasn't in New York but sometimes they did. My hopes for being unseen were short lived though.

"Zachary Touchdown Taylor?" I heard the voice of some dude say from behind me and then he added, "those 4 yards on Carson was crazy, 4 touchdowns before halftime? even wilder" I rolled my eyes to myself after realizing I wasn't wearing a jacket to cover the tattoos on my arms but plastered a smile on my face anyway. When I turned to face him, I was surprised to see Crystal by his side. Now, I'm buggin on the inside because I know she ain't with this Suge Knight-Debo looking ass nigga.

I laughed and dapped dude up, trying not to stare at Crystal. "Nothing major" I jokingly said as we shook hands. "I appreciate you" I genuinely smiled. "Oh no doubt. I'm from NY but I moved to the Atla.." blah blah..
He kept talking but I wasn't listening. Don't get me wrong, I love my fans, my supporters..all that is great and Im grateful for them but Crystal is my only concern at the moment. I thanked God for the dark tint on my favorite Dior shades so I could watch her without her knowing. I know it sounds weird and creepy as fuck but I really don't care.

"Um excuse me..I hate to be rude but is it okay if we move this conversation towards the lounge area?"  Her words melted through her perfect lips. Her voice was so smooth. Just like her hands. I could listen to her talk for hours..


Zac is here. He's not even standing that close and I can still smell him. He doesn't smell the same as the other day but just as damn good.

"You come here often?" I asked, knowing it sounds corny but it's honestly the perfect question to ask for the moment.

"Well not exactly here. This is my first time checking this one out but yes, I enjoy the range. It keeps me sharp for one and off the field" Zac responds to my question causing me to nod my head "Its my first time here. D was supposed to come but she got tied up in something" I spoke back, avoiding eye contact if all possible. The fact I had to make myself not look at him was enough to tell me our eye contact could be dangerous.

"D"? his face tightened slightly.

"Dinorah" I answer and he nodded as a text message came through to my phone. I squinted looking down at the phone completely confused. When I looked up to ponder on what vibes just read, I was met a with a smile.

"Did you tell my security to leave?" Zac just kept smiling, reaching for his beer on the table. "Not exactly. I over heard him on the phone..he's a pretty loud talker".. Zac started and I couldn't help but laugh and agree. Lord knows it's true.

"He was saying something about needing to be out of here within the next hour, something about his daughter. So I told him if he needed to leave, he could and not to worrying about you. I got you"

As bad as my mouth wanted to curl into a smile, I held my poker face as straight as possible.

"Riiight. So, you got me" I air quoted with one hand "but your actions left me here without a ride"..I lightly shrugged my shoulders, not actually worried about a ride but it was good to add for a little dramatics. Just as Zac was about to speak, our attention was pulled away from our conversation.

"Ms Hayslett?" Tod asked as he settled in front of our table. I don't know if that's his name but he looks like a Tod.

"Hello, how are you? Sorry we're moving a little behind today. Your booking requested an instructor?" he politely asked me without even looking Zac's way.  I smiled when I heard Zac's irritated chuckle. When he ran his massive hand over his neat and well kept beard, my eyes traveled to the gold chain around his neck. It laid so beautifully against his crisp white polo shirt. The top of his rock hard chest was peeking out just enough for me to see a little black ink on his skin. "Thank you but I don't think she'll be needing one" He overly smiled at Tod before scooting a little closer to me. I couldn't help myself. I knew I was blushing and I didn't know why at the moment. I wasn't too worried about the reason either cause it felt good.

"Oh" was Tod's response as he kept his attention on me. "You heard me? I said we good" Zac reiterated making my eyes widen just a little. "Yes, I heard you but I was speaking to the lady. There isn't another name on the booking either so—"

"Excuse me but he's right" I said referring to Zac's fine ass beside me, "Thank you but an instructor really isn't necessary" I sweetly smiled at him and with that he simply walked away. "Well" I started, shaking my head just a little. "What a way to start a first time.."

"I apologize Crystal. It wasn't my intention to press on dude like that but he was pushy and I don't get down like that" Zac said turning to face me.

"It's okay" I said still trying to avoid those dark, mysterious eyes of his. It was hard, oh so hard but I did good. "Don't sound so down. You'll have plenty more first times with me"

I wanted to ask him what he meant by that but I didn't get the chance. "Come on" he said and stood to his feet. He offered one of those chiseled hands to help me up. "Where are we going?" I felt like the question was dumb as soon as I asked being we are where we are. I think Zac thought it was a dumb question too because he just laughed and grabbed my hand. He just smiled, not answering my question and lead the way.

After a few steps, I realized we were heading out the door. "Wait Zac.." I slightly chuckled, completely confused. "Why are we leaving?"

"Look at me and tell me you actually want to be here." I twisted my lips to the side. Hell no, I really didn't want to be here. I was just puzzled at how he could tell.

"Come on Crystal" was all I heard before being gently pulled out the door.

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