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Romel was on the phone with 911 trying to explain what was happening and where we possibly were on the highway. I kept my head down, making sure there wasn't an inch of Crystal's body that wasn't shielded by my own as I lay on top of her across the seat. Her actual prayers had stopped and she just called out "Jesus" over and over. I could feel her tears through my shirt while the sound of the metal dragging and scarping against the asphalt road made my ears hurt.

We continued to spin.

Crystal's body trembled under mine and my first instinct was to hold her tighter. Kissing the top of her head, reminding her that I had her, I reassured her over a hundred times. "We're gonna be okay. I'm gonna get you out of here" I promised.

It seemed like an eternity had passed when we finally crashed into something hard bringing us to a loud screeching halt followed by
complete silence.

"Are you hurt anywhere!?" I pulled up on my arms to look at her. Soon there were sirens from fire trucks and first responders growing louder as they approached us. She looked up at me with tearful but grateful eyes.

"N-noo, I don't think so" just as the smell of smoke began to fill the air.

"Oh my God Zac! It's on fire!!" she yelled out in terror.

We jumped up, acting fast to open the doors on our sides and Romel tried opening his but they were jammed. "Fuck!" I gritted, as Crystal began to cough behind me. "They're all jammed! How is—" she coughed more aggressively behind her hand "How the hell is that possible?!" she began crying and shaking her head. I grabbed ahold of the top of my shirt, ripping it so that buttons flew everywhere. I took it off to throw to Crystal so she could breathe through it. I pulled my tshirt over my mouth and nose while Romel frantically searched for anything to bash the windows in.

"This is all my fault!" her sobs were muffled but loud enough for me to hear as she began banging on the window. I was confused about her statement but I had to get her out of here first.
I pulled back my fist, mentally preparing myself for what I was contemplating. Suddenly, there was a loud pop that shook the suv and the orange glow of fire shot up from the hood. "GET DOWN CRYSTAL!!" and before I knew it, my right fist went flying through the window.

I hissed as glass tore into my flesh. With adrenaline pulsing through my body, I recovered enough to use my left hand to snap the door handle from the hole I had just left through the glass. While the fire grew, Romel rushed over the passenger side as I reached over to snap the handle on that door too.

Crystal hopped on my back and I held onto her thighs the best way on could as I jumped from the suv. Her legs were wrapped around my waist, while she held onto my neck as I ran. As soon as we made it to safety, the suv bursted into flames.

After spending a few hours at the hospital being treated for my wounds while they made sure Crystal and Romel were medically well and now at the police department, it was well after midnight. Dinorah volunteered to bring us something comfortable to change into after Crystal called her on the way to be questioned about what she believed happened. She swore she knew who was at fault for almost killing us and I didn't need any details to believe her.

"I can reschedule Crystal. I'll come stay the rest of the week" I watched Dinorah offer her. Crystal threw on a soft, toothless smile and once again she declined. "Thank you Dee but I'm fine. Seriously" Her eyes were tired, her body was too. The oversized orange college tshirt she wore swallowed her as she slightly shook her knee; a sign of anxiety I recognized. I put my good hand on her thigh and it immediately became still. "I just want to go home, shower and get in the bed." she softly spoke while keeping her attention on Dinorah. "I hate to do it but—"

"Don't worry about work Crystal. I'll handle it."

She just nodded, lifting her fist to cover her mouth as a yawn crept up on her.

"Let's get you home" I lightly tapped her thigh making her look at me again. "I'll call
you" she turned back to Dinorah.

"Yeah, tomorrow." Dinorah smiled and they hugged, squeezing each other tight "Keep that hand wrapped up Zac!" she called to me before their hug ended. I just smiled and nodded. I love Dinorah but I needed alone time with my baby.

After she closed the door, an officer started that van and we were off, again.

"Lord" Crystal sighed, finally resting back in the seat.

"You okay?" I felt like it was weird to ask but I needed to know. "Yes, I'm okay" she answered, her eyes already closed. I knew she wasn't but I decided not to badger her. She'd been through enough in the past 24 hours. I kept a mental
note of my questions for later.

"Zac?" there goes that voice again, stopping my thoughts and snatching all my attention


"Thank you"..

I shook my head, fixing my mouth to tell her she didn't have to thank me but when I felt her soft hand on top of mine, I had no more words. Besides the hum of the tires on the road and Romel lightly snoring in the passenger seat, it was silent as she stared at me. This woman's eyes held more power than I think she knew. I don't think I've ever wanted to kiss somebody so bad.

"Ofcourse" I simply resolved, removing my hand from under hers to wrap my arm around her, pulling her closer to me. She rested her head on my shoulder and deeply exhaled once more.

Crystal is a grown woman. An adult. Well capable of taking care of herself but this moment only confirmed what I already knew and I wanted her more than ever.

I could feel the sudden change in her breathing after she snuggled closer to my neck. I kissed her forehead, rubbing her back in circles as she slept peacefully on me.

I'll never leave this woman's side.

so this book has started as a slow burn, definitely wasn't planned though but don't worry. she's about to pick up 😅

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