045 - Grievers

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Panic already rose in my chest once I came outside. It was getting dark and people were running around. Whatever orders Thomas was throwing around didn't get through my mind. Because I had to find Gally.

Then two knives got pushed into my hands by Minho. He gave me a hopeful nod, then rushed to the others. I stared at the two weapons. Sharp and silver. The place where I held them was wrapped in black.

I started running when I noticed a Griever about to enter the Glade. Most of my friends were already moving forward, and I stayed behind a bit, because of both my limp and side.

And jeez, it didn't even take a minute for the Griever to catch up with me. I heard its metal legs hit the ground right behind me.

My breathing got heavier, and more panic hit me as it came closer and closer.

Then someone bumped into my roughly, causing me to fly through the air, but away from the Griever.

"Val, come on!" My arm got grabbed. It happened so fast it was almost a blur.


He nodded. "Come on." Pulling my arm, he started running, though he made sure not to go too fast for me.

We got closer to the Box, which was, in my opinion, very smart of him. Gally opened it, let me in, jumped after me, and closed it. I crawled to a corner, afraid.

More boys sat in the Box, but I couldn't recognize them in the dark. They were whispering quietly as Gally sat down next to me.

I pulled my knees up to my chest, hearing all the screams and cries outside. It made me want to press my hands on my ears.

"This doesn't feel right." I told Gally in a low whisper tone. "I can't just leave them there. I have to help."

He shook his head. "I know. I get it." A pause. "But please do not, Valerie. It's dangerous."

"They're dying out there!" I almost cried to words out. "And I'm sitting here doing nothing! I have to help."

"Look." He moved in front of me, staring me right in the eyes. "No offense, but your help won't make a difference. No one's help will make a difference. The Grievers are strong. You have a limp. You're still hurt from your night in the maze. I can't let you go out there. And I won't leave you, either. So please, just stay."

I hesitated about agreeing, but nodded. I lay my head on Gally's shoulder, noticing how his jaw was clenched, eyes sharp, and fists balled.

"What are you thinking?" I whispered.

"Nothing." He replied, obviously lying. "Don't worry."

I squinted my eyes, but decided not to bug it. Then I just tried to keep my mind off the horrible screams.


"Is it over?" I looked up. No shouts or noises came from outside after about an hour of the horror.

He never replied. Instead, he took my hand and helped me up. After peeking outside for a bit, he told us that it was safe and we could get out.

He was holding my hand so hard it felt like he was breaking my bones; he was angry.

I gasped when I looked around the Glade. Things stood on fire, huts were destroyed, the gardens were burned down, too. There was almost nothing left of the Homestead.

It broke my heart. After all, the Glade was some kind of home for me. I wouldn't bother escaping at all, but it was all I ever remembered having close to a house.

Gally stumped away, and I quickly followed with an awkward jog, wondering where he was going. And, crap.

He was reaching Thomas, who was standing with Minho, Newt, Chuck, Teresa, and Frypan. They survived.

"Gally..." Thomas muttered.

Then he got punched right in the face.

I gasped again, my eyes widening as the others started to hold Gally back, but he was screaming, "This is all you, Thomas! Look around!"

"Back off, Gally! It's not Thomas' fault!"

I froze and could only stare, suddenly feeling an anger toward Gally. Maybe he was misunderstood, but this was, in my opinion, getting too far. He couldn't just go around and punch Thomas!

"You heard what Alby said! He's one of them!" He continued.

"One of who?"

"He's one of them, and they sent him here to destroy everything, and now he has! Look around, Thomas! Look around! This is your fault!" He kept ranting and ranting.

"Back off, Gally!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Calm down."

"They sent him here, and now he's destroyed everything that we've built!" He yelled.

They were struggling to stop the raging boy from attacking Thomas again. In the corner of my eye, I saw him reach for what looked like a Griever its stinger. Then I yelped. Thomas stabbed himself in the leg with it.

Immediately he dropped to the ground, his eyes fading closed. Soon everyone noticed what happened and they ran over to help Thomas, while I made my way to Gally.

I grabbed his arm and pulled as hard as I could, somehow managing to get a few feet away from the rest.

"Thomas destr-."

Before he could even finish, I swung my hand back and with all the power I had in me, slapped him across the cheek.

"What the hell, Gally!" I shouted, giving him a push. "Are you crazy?"

He rubbed his cheek, which was already turning red, and stared at me, stunned.

"You cannot just go around and punch one of my friends like that!"


"Shut. Up!" Another push. "I'm getting so sick of how much you hate him without even knowing him! Don't you see that he's trying to help?"

"No, he's trying to-."

"I don't care anymore." I crossed my arms. "Fine. If you want to stay in the Glade... sure! Do your thing, but I'm going with them. As much as I love you, I still want to escape and I don't care if you're gonna be stubborn."

Maybe I did care.

Just a little bit.

Or a lot.

I gritted my teeth. Clenched my fists. "So yes, I'm asking you to damn choose! Get killed here by the Grievers, or be shuckin' brave and try to escape."

He stared at me for a few seconds, expression unreadable. "Fine. Go ahead and follow that kid into a trap!"

Then he walked off, leaving me breathing heavily with anger.

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