023 - Cuddles

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You be the sun,
I'll be the moon.
Just let your light come shining through,
And when night comes,
Just like the moon,
I'll shine the light
Right back to you.

I slammed my notebook shut, sighing at the dinner table. I didn't bother to pay attention to the Builders anymore. Or Alby's punishments for them. It wouldn't work anyways. It never worked.

Gally sat across from me. Most people already left to do their own thing, instead of just boringly sit at those tables like Gally and I.

"So..." He started awkwardly. "How are you?"

Trying not to scoff, I shrugged. "Fine. How are you?"

"I'm worried." He admitted slowly. "That's how I am."

I flicked through random pages in my notebook, leaning on my elbow. "Worried about what?"


My movements stopped.
"Oh." A pause. "Why are you worried about me?"

"Because you pretend to be fine when you're not." He said, voice blank and clear.

"I don't-."


"I don't pretend I-."

"You do. So now..." He leaned closer. "You're going to tell me what's going on."

I shook my head. "I'm fine."

He sighed. "Does 'I'm fine' mean to you 'I'm still breathing, so I'm fine'?"


"The hell do you want me to tell you then?" I furrowed my eyebrows, not daring to look at him.

I'm not fine. I don't feel safe anymore. Not when you aren't around. I feel like no one actually cares, because if they did, they would've stopped the Builders already. I feel like you only hang out with me because you feel like you have to. And yet I am in love with you. Or starting to be.


"Yo, Gally..." Newt glared at him. "You mind if I talk to Valerie for a second?"


"No? Awesome! Thanks a lot, man." Newt hopped down next to him. Gally waited a few seconds, staring at Newt, but then he nodded and left.

"What is it?" I snapped. He interrupted my talk!

"You... and that... that naked rat." He started. His eyes bored into mine. "Be careful with him. With Gally."

I pulled a face. "And why?"

"Because, he is crazy. Literally! He drugged the-."

"Woah, woah, woah." I shook my head heavily. "That wasn't Gally."

Newt scrunched his nose. "And how would you know?"

"Because I trust him. I believe he wouldn't. Never." I confirmed sternly, my voice loud for him. "Gally wouldn't do that."

"And yet he did. I swear, he's scary. I bet-."

"Newt. Politely shut your mouth and let me live my life." I cut him off, trying hard to contain my voice.

"Who else could it have been? Look, this is what I'm suspecting. He makes that drink every bonfire, right? He's proud of it and makes it very clear it's his recipe. Now he drugged it, just for you. He drugged everyone else, so they won't see what's happening. He sends you into that fighting circle with Peter, who's drugged too. Peter carried a knife because he's a Builder, and Gally knew that. Once you got hurt, he was the first one to get you, am I right?" A pause. "He cut your bloody shirt open in the Med Hut. And he was planning something, until our savior Clint ran in."

𝐖𝐚𝐫 𝐎𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 - TMR, GallyWhere stories live. Discover now