010 - Human Again

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I did not expect death to hurt that much. Was there supposed to be a horrible throbbing in my body? An aching I had never experienced before in my leg?

Whatever it was, I was glad I succeeded. Or so I thought, at least. Blurred voices echoed in my ears. It sounded like a few males, some voices deeper than others. Angels? Devils? The underworld?

I let out a small groan when I tried to move. My head wouldn't let me open my eyes. It hurt so much. Too much to easily cope with.

When I made a slight move, it fell completely silent, except for people taking deep breaths and footsteps. It took at least a minute, if not five, to open my eyes and blink rapidly against a— in my eyes— bright light.

Immediately shadows towered over me. Figures of the males that had been talking. "Valerie?" It repeated a hundred times in my ears.

I groaned again, confused about what was happening and wondering if this was what it would be like to be dead. I expected to just be... gone.

"Yep. There she is."
There was absolutely no humor in the voice.

I blinked tons of times before my vision finally got clear. Alby, Jeff, and Clint hung above me, staring right down. I managed to scrunch my eyebrows. I didn't expect to see them in my afterlife.

"Alive and well," Jeff confirmed with a nod. "Well, maybe not well, but definitely alive."
Again, his voice didn't contain any humor with the way he said it.

"Alive?" My voice came out ragged, and hoarse as if I hadn't talked for months. I stunned myself with it. It didn't even sound like me.

Alby exhaled. "I'm glad to say yes. Alive."

"Alive as in...?" I didn't continue my question, honestly having no idea what to say. It was strange and not how I expected things to go.

"Breathing, with a heart, and in the Glade? Yeah, alive."
Even Clint's voice contained no humor.

"Alive?" I repeated. My body started to tingle from a shiver going down my spine. I wasn't... dead? "Alive."

Jeff looked at Alby and whispered, "Haven't we learned from our last... patient, that they're not so happy to hear that they're alive?"

I clenched my jaw, not replying to them. I didn't want to be alive. How come they lay me down on that bed in the first place? Wasn't it clear that I did not want to live?

"Val, we're really, really, really sorry for you," Clint stated. He put his hands on his hips. "When you fell-."

"Fell?" I spat out. I wished to sit straight up to make a better impression, but my head hurt too much. "I fucking jumped, okay? Was that not clear to you? Wasn't it clear enough that maybe, just maybe my intention was to be dead right now, and not lying on this stupid bed?"

Silence fell again. Clint took a breath, then talked again. "When you jumped, you, well, your-."

"Hurry up," I said slowly, anger rising in me. If they were here to act like I was some sick bird that couldn't be normal anymore, they could leave right away.

"Right." He cleared his throat. "Right before you hit the ground, you, or better said, your leg, got caught in the ivy. Since you were so close to the ground, you hit the stone with your head anyway. Got a concussion and broken leg, snatched in multiple places, by the looks. You were gone for like three days, but not just because you passed out. Also because of your... symptoms. Said you haven't had much sleep. Though I guess after all these days of sleeping you're not tired anymore."

Before I could reply, more anger pumping through my body, Jeff did.

"But, if you feel sick, nauseous, or need more sleep, just say it and we'll take care of you. We've got medicine and whatever is needed, Val. So-."

"How did I get here?" I interrupted blankly. All three boys seemed taken aback for a second, then Alby replied.

"Minho saw you. Dragged you back here right before the Doors closed. Luckily."

I grunted, pissed off a lot.
I. Was. Supposed. To. Be. Dead.
"Hadn't it come to his mind that there was a reason I went in there and jump off that wall? Just for him to carry me back like a damn prince and his horse?"

"No, no, of course not." Clint seemed panicked. "We just like to prevent as many deaths as we can, even these. But, as Jeff said, let us know if you-."

"I don't need anything!" I yelled. I couldn't help myself. Jeff flinched and Alby backed up. "Okay? All I want is to be dead, got that? Or do I need to jump again to make it extra clear?"

Alby rubbed his chin. "Look, we know this is upsetting and we get that you're overwhelmed, but-."

"Get out." I cut him off. "All three of you. Now." 

"Valerie, we-."

"Get out!"

With their faces dropping, they draped off slowly. My breathing was already heavy from anger. Minho should've left me. They should've let me do my thing. They should've never laid me down on the bed. Or treat my leg, give me medicines. They should've let me!

I felt like crying, but didn't. Now I was completely hopeless. Luke was dead, Newt was who knew where, not bothering to help me, everyone probably knew I jumped off that wall, and I was alive. Shuckin' alive, the last thing I wanted to be.

I tried to move more, but a terrible shot of pain went through my leg. I cried out, doing my best to look at it. My right leg was wrapped in thick bandages with some kind of sticks on top of it, wrapped in more bandages. It looked like a damn lump that was over-dramatically hanging on my leg.

But the anger, that was the worst. It surprised me I didn't throw something at the boys. I felt it rushing through my veins, making my heart beat faster, my breathing heavier, and my temper high. I was mad at everyone.

Minho for saving me. Alby for not realizing they shouldn't have saved me. Clint and Jeff for patching me up again. Luke for going into the maze. Gally for not talking to me after that one night. His Builders for basically every shuck thing they ever said. And maybe even Newt for not helping me through it, though at that point I was happy no one bothered me anymore.

I needed alone time. A lot of alone time. A serious amount. At least until my leg healed enough for me to walk, if I even dared to go out there again.

They would all see me, knowing what I tried to do. They would see my patched up leg which I didn't even know would heal. They would make more horrible comments than before. I hated it.

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