a stream of happiness!

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As salamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu,
I am so happy..
To give a very quick update..(I am not boasting.. I am sharing for motivational purposes. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala save me from the evil ) .

I had waited for at least 6 months and constantly messaged the institute to admit me into the new batch , cried to Allah , begged to Allah for his mercy.. he , as always, showered his mercy upon me . He s.w.t. brought me back into the institute . They texted me .. I joined.. As far as I remember (not accurately), I rejoined , I  restarted from Ayah 1 of suratul Ahqaf and completed the surah this time. Alhamdullilah, 1/4 part of juz 26 is over Alhamdullilah!
It's been over 2 to 3 months since i have rejoined , Alhamdullilah I am able to cope with system and its rules this time , it is not like i have any other option than home schooling in this matter..so I will have to adjust and take the full benefits of whatever has come my way .  I have been persistent with my lessons and memorization, and I am going to give my exam on September 3rd, 2023, which is 4 days from now . In sha Allah, it's gonna be alright . I used to get good grades like 8
87 , 88 , 89% in my uni exams always . Always had a dream to get above 90% or at least 90% .. it was my last semester of my 3rd year. The last term before I could officially be called a "graduate" or a dietician [ did I tell you I was studying Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, if not..now you know ;) ] officially .
And Alhamdullilah, this time, the interaction with Qur'an really did miracles in my life. Focusing on the deen doesn't deprive you off of your studies..it places barakah and bliss in it . This fact.. so fewer people know of it,  it should be known to all . So , Alhamdullilah, i scored a gpa of 9.4 % this time, i.e., 94% . I cried the tears of happiness..you know the max. I could try and reach all these years was 89% and i used to think..oh dear , if only I could make it to one more percent . But you see how Allah gifted me with 94%(semester gpa) in my last sem.. and an overall percentage of 89%(an average of the gpa of all three years of study, i.e., 6 semesters ) . will always cherish this blissful memory of Allahs rehmah in my life . Also ! I got a really good rank in my states entrance test for the post graduation admission . I got 147 in my post graduation entrance test, Alhamdullilah.. you know , there were above 75000 students who wrote the exam?
I was determined to score good this time.
ALL PRAISE AND THANKS IS DUE TO ALLAH ! I am so happy and satisfied, and if we do work on something with all our hearts.. we can definitely make our lives better with hard work , indeed . You know the last chapter.. I didn't publish it until today.. the chapters' last line wasn't complete , it was some sad line i was going to add previously about my struggles.. but today, I gave it a good look , I completed the last line of the chapter with content in my heart . I read all that I struggled with , all that painful time that had passed in the past, and I see myself here , today , content , cheerful , chirpy . Such is the story of life.. we will go through hardships and that time , we may feel repulsive about any motivational thing someone who walks upto us and  tells us about .. but know that in the end..when you have Allah , INDEED ,
HE IS OUR CREATOR , ONLY HE CAN FIX US , ONLY HE CAN FIX OUR LIFE AND OUR PROBLEMS  . but we should learn this on time .. Don't ever be late to understand this, and this was the purpose of me writing this chapter .

" Verily, with hardship comes ease ( Al Quran 94:6) " .

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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