35|| By His Side (Final)

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Here is the final chapter! 

This is the longest chapter I have ever written! It took 9 Word pages! 

Before you start reading the chapter, I want to tell you all some things. 

Characters are out of character! Like very out of character! So I don't want to see comments like "Dazai wouldn't do it". I KNOW! I HAVE BEEN KINNING DAZAI SINCE 2016! SO I DON'T NEED ANYONE TO TEACH ME HOW HE ACTUALLY ACTS! 

I'm sorry if I sounded rough, but some of my "friends" annoyed me when I sent them this chapter. 


This chapter contains strong language, mentions of abuse and suicide attempt! If you don't like it, please don't read the chapter! I won't tolerate any hate comments! 

If you decide to read, enjoy >~<! 

⊱ ───── {.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.} ──── ⊰

At some point, they must have fallen asleep. It was the best sleep Fyodor had after a long time. There were no nightmares and no voices in his head. It was way much better than the sleep with the assist of medicines. Dazai was definitely better than drugs for him.

When Fyodor woke up, it was still dark. The digital clock on Dazai's bedside table was showing it was 03.45 in the morning. Dazai's arms were still around his body. He slowly unwrapped Dazai's arms around himself, being careful not to wake him up. He watched Dazai's features as if he wanted to memorize them. He brushed Dazai's hair back and placed a soft kiss on his forehead. "I'm sorry..." He whispered.

He got dressed and fixed his clothes. He put an envelope onto the bedside table before leaving silently.

"You shouldn't have escaped from that mental ward in the first place. You should have stayed in that hole. This is what you deserve."

Fyodor began running as soon as he heard Yami's voice. He ran and ran until his lungs started hurting and his legs gave up. When he eventually collapsed onto the ground, he noticed that he knew this path... It was the narrow path which leaded to his and Nikolai's flat... Mykhaila had refused to give it to someone else to protect it as a memory of Nikolai. She would stay there some times. Mostly on summers. Fyodor made a decision and it was the perfect place to do it. He stood up and made his way through the familiar path. He had been walking for about one hour until he heard Yami's demonic and sadistic voice again.

"You finally made a right decision once in your life."

Unlike the other times, Yami was praising him.

"No one will worry about you. Even your own family don't want you. You are just a burden to them."

Yami laughed sadistically.

"Shut up!" Fyodor shouted. He closed his eyes and curled up in fetal position under a tree.

Another hour had passed and it was still dark the streets were still empty. Fyodor looked up at sky and saw that it was going to rain. He couldn't stay there any longer. He stood up and wiped the dust off from his clothes.

He was physically and mentally tired, but he kept walking until he reached to the apartment building. He unlocked the door and looked around. The room was dim, so he turned on the lights. Nothing had changed... From the early age, Fyodor always thought how he wanted to die. Until now he couldn't find an answer though... Death in the place which he had the most beautiful times of his life sounded really good... 

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