17|| Beyond Cunning

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How are you all? 

I'm sorry for the late update!

I had been in exam lol. 

Anyway, I'm not here to complain lol! 


This chapter contains narcissisistic abuse. 

If you are uncomfortable with it, please don't read the chapter. 

I won't tolerate any hate comments! 

I will explain what is narcissistic personality disorder. 

Anyway, enjoy ^-^!  

⊱ ───── {.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.} ──── ⊰

Hisoka had been a shy, quiet boy his entire life. He was never able to make friends and was often overlooked by others. This all changed when he came across an old book he found in the library. The pages were full of ancient scriptures and upon further examination Hisoka discovered that his name meant 'secret' in Japanese but it also implied 'sly' and 'deceitful'.

This revelation caused Hisoka to start acting differently. His shyness and quietness had been replaced with a new found confidence. He now finally felt like he had a purpose in life.

That day, Hisoka spent hours devising plans and strategies that would enable him to get ahead of everyone else. Fyodor's, the 'core identity's' parents, who didn't believe he was his own person, were stunned, but not proud, at how quickly he was able to learn new things and how wisely he was able to navigate different situations.

Soon people started to take notice of him and the power he had. He was able to influence and control others like no other. He was blessed with an unexplainable ability to read people like books and make things happen.

Hisoka's powerful and cunning ways soon earned him, and by proxy to Fyodor, a reputation around the town as the one who gets things done. He was respected and feared by many, but despite all the attention, Hisoka never forgot where his name came from.

⊱ ───── {.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.} ──── ⊰

As much as he was smart he was very narcissistic and manipulative. After all, he was able to get people to do things his way without them realizing he was doing it.

He was always the top of his class and he did whatever he could do to make sure that he stayed on top. He was always trying to get people to do things for him, whether it was helping him with his homework or doing something for him. He would rarely show appreciation or gratitude for anything that was done for him.

He also would often manipulate people to do things for him by playing on their emotions. He would make them feel guilty if they didn't do what he wanted or make them think he was a victim in some way. He would also make promises that he had no intention of keeping and then blame the other person when they didn't follow through.

As the time pass, his behavior only got worse. He was often seen as a bully and was very difficult to get along with. His peers were often the victims of his manipulation and his teachers were often at a loss of what to do with him.

⊱ ───── {.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.} ──── ⊰

Loving someone like Hisoka was hard for Nikolai as well. He had always been told that Hisoka was a heart of gold, but he could never be sure. After all, their relationship had not gone as planned and their dates had all ended appropriately. It seemed that Hisoka didn't want to stay with him and Nikolai was constantly questioning himself, his own worth and why they couldn't be like the other happy couples.

Bellflowers || FyozaiOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz