Chapter 16: Game Galaxy.

Start from the beginning

"Hey, you can't cut in front of me like that!" he laughs.

"You literally just did the same thing, mate! Practise what you preach,"

The guy flashes me a wide smile while Sam rolls his eyes, crossing his arms on his chest. Loud cheers boom from our spot throughout the game, followed by complaints and more giggles.

"Good game," the stranger shakes my hand as he hops off his seat.

"Sorry I beat you," I reply, wiggling my eyebrows.

"I want a re-match next time,"

"Next time, then," I smirk one last time in his direction before he is reunited with his group of friends that keep glancing over to where Sam and I are standing.

"Can we go eat now?"

I sigh, "yeah,"

Sam walks in front of me, and he doesn't look back to check if I am following him or not. He finds an empty table, and he seats, grabbing the paper menu and flicking through it without uttering a single word. He is clearly giving me the cold shoulder.

"Are you alright?" I question.

"Yes. Do you know what you want to order?"

I nod, "just a Margherita pizza and a coke, please."

He stands and marches to the food area, joining the mile long queue. I don't know what on Earth has gotten into him; he was so excited when we left but his mood just flipped. Have I done something wrong? Is wanting to play stupid arcade games such a crime? I look around the room, and all the fun memories with Jay resurface as I decide not to add this day to the memories I have here. This is a special place for us, and I am not going to let this be ruined. Without thinking, I reach for my phone in my bag, and my fingers hover the screen, typing fast.

I am at Game Galaxy.

I don't know why I felt the need to tell him, but every time I am somewhere meaningful for us, I want to let him know, I want him to realise that I am thinking of him, all the time. Funnily enough, he does the same.

That's just because we're friends, right?

I am about to put my phone back when his name flashes on the screen.

Are you having fun?

I can see him typing again, but then he stops so I decide to answer his seemingly innocent question.

I am at Game Galaxy.

The ticks turn blue indicating that he has read the text already. He's keeping his phone with him; interesting.

You didn't answer the question.

I chuckle; he is right, I didn't with so many words, but I did in a way. He knows how I get when we talk about this place, so I am sure he'll figure it out. I have this weird gut feeling that I am being watched, and, as I lift my gaze, I catch Sam staring at me before whipping his head around.

I think I did.

I drop my phone back in my bag, and a few seconds later Sam joins me. He places the food in front of me before digging into his, still not talking to me. I blow on the hot slice of pizza, trying to avoid the same mistake I made the last time we went out, as I open the red can. I know something is wrong, and I am becoming restless; I scratch the side of my neck before rubbing along my jaw line, sighing visibly irritated.

"Alright, Sam, I am not happy with this silent treatment. Either you tell me what's wrong, or I am going home,"

He lifts his eyes to meet mine, and the ice blue freezes my blood, "and how are you going to do that, huh?"

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