Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


"No." I drawled out as Mizail held me close while he pounded into me.

"I don't want to hurt you." He all but moaned in reply as I dug my nails into the scales on the sides of his stomach. His eyes were still gold when I pulled back to look up at him.

"I'm fine—fuck, right there!" I gasped out as I could feel his barbs hitting the right spot. His cock had pleasantly stretched me while his barbs produced their own lube to slip into me easier, much to my surprise. "Mizail!" I screamed out as my orgasm hit me all at once, my senses blanking out for a second while I slowly came down just as Mizail came as well. He pumped a few more times before leaning over me, panting softly. Slowly releasing Mizail's sides, I trailed my hands along his body before cupping his face as we stared at each other. "We eat on this table." I breathed out as he looked at me with this weird look on his face before laughing. It was so contagious that I couldn't help but join him.

"The blanket is covering it." He stated while licking my face as I kissed his maw. Pulling back, I stared at him again. "Hmm?" He hummed in questioning as I peppered his maw in kisses like I couldn't get enough of him. I was soon made well aware of his cock still inside of me as I felt it harden again. "I think you should say the safe word." He warned while slowly pulling back to thrust into me.

"I told you no already." I softly laughed while kissing his maw again as his speed picked up. "Oh fuck," I moaned out while wrapping my arms around his neck as I could feel each barb with each quickened thrust. As I became so lost in the pleasure, I hadn't noticed nor felt Mizail's arms wrap around me until I felt the coolness on my back. We were no longer fucking on the table. Mizail drove me deeper as I wrapped my legs around his waist, accidentally tapping the base of his tail.

"Look how deep you take me." He nuzzled the top of my head as his wings wrapped around me like a protective barrier. Something about that statement made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside as I slowly trailed my tongue up his chest. I peppered his chest in slow yet soft kisses while his tail thumped against the floor. "Ah, fuck." He softly growled while burying himself deeper into me, hitting the same pleasurable spot from before.

"Yes, right there." I drawled out, the familiar feeling building up throughout my body. I tried to refocus back on Mizail's chest but we both seemed too close to focus on anything. "Come for me, Mizail." I breathed out while kissing his maw again. It wasn't long before another orgasm rocked my every being as I curled my toes in bliss while Mizail came in three rough thrusts. He held me close while we caught our breath, his wings still wrapped around me.

"Are you okay?" He questioned while pulling back to stare down at me as I nodded before he slowly pulled out of me. He looked over my face before nuzzling my head as I felt him move from our previous spot. I wanted to check and see where we were going but his large yet cool wings blocked my view. It didn't take him long before he dropped back onto a large cushion in the sunroom as I sat up, straddling his hips. "Are you tired?"

"I'm okay." I smiled while leaning down to kiss his maw before laying on his chest as his wings were still wrapped around me. "But, I feel like you're trying to put me to sleep."

"Maybe. You did wake up early."

"You did leave the bed early." I retorted as he quietly laughed beneath me. "Maybe a quick nap would be good for now." I mumbled while closing my eyes as Mizail replied back to me, yet I couldn't hear it from how soft he spoke.

The next few days were filled with blissful fucking, eating new food, and learning little things about each other. For example, Mizail's wings always flared wide when he was excited but he usually kept that under wraps. Now, he doesn't have enough energy—as he says—to stop them. I think it's cute compared to how serious he tries to make himself out to be. But, it was around the second week of the mating season that Mizail started acting…off. He'd spend more time holding me and just being more affectionate than usual which wasn't bad but suspicious. When he thought I was asleep, he'd leave wherever we were sleeping that night to send out messages and make calls in a hushed voice. It was all suspicious but I just brushed it off as my overactive mind jumping to conclusions.

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