|| N I N E T E E N ||

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Third Person's Pov ~


The next morning wasn't even morning anymore, they had both woken up around afternoon timing.

"Does your body still hurt?" Aomine asks Kagami who was laying in bed in pain.

"No, it feels great." The red head grumbles sarcastically. "Of course it still hurts."

"Do you want pain killers?" He asks.


"Right, okay." Aomine leaves the room.

Kagami huffs turning from his side onto his stomach burying his face into the pillow. After last night he was in an immense amount of pain. Aomine didn't hold back either, he went all in quite literally taking his ability to walk away from him.

But in the back of Kagami's mind, he just couldn't stop thinking about how good it all felt. His stomach was going on a rampage filled with butterflies just thinking about it all and reminding himself of what went down.

The main thing he couldn't forget was Aomine saying he loved him and he said it back! It felt refreshing really.. Finally having the feeling of liking or loving someone again after so long. Actually he doesn't even remember the last time he's liked someone in the past 10 years.

Kagami smiled to himself a little slowly raising up out of his spot on the bed. His small smile was replaced with a pained expression as he forced himself up.

"Fuck I don't wanna get up but I'm so hungry right now.." He mumbles sliding out of the bed and making his way out of the room. "Mmm.." He groans.

"Keep groaning like that and you'll get me horny again." Aomine suddenly said sitting in the couch watching Kagami come down the stairs.

"Y'know it's not easy being in pain after sex you damn blueberry, at least give me a chance to breathe for a few minutes." The red head rolls his eyes holding onto nearby furniture for support.

"Shouldn't you be resting right now if that's the case?" He asks.

"I should be but I'm hungry and it seems like you've just gotten used to not eating in jail all the time and forgot about me."

"Well my bad Mr. Grumpy, you shoulda told me you wanted some food."

"Save it, I'll make something myself cause you can't cook for shit."

"Don't be mad cause my peanut butter and jelly sandwich tasted better than yours."

"I made grilled cheese, that's nowhere close to even being peanut butter and jelly."

"Tomato toemato, it's all the same thing, you use bread for both."

Kagami shakes his head at the bluenette.


He grabs his apron throwing it on and grabbing ingredients out of the fridge. Placing them on the counter he grabs some pots. He also wasn't very fond of having to stoop down low cause of the amount of pain he was in but Kagami was strong, he could handle it.

When Kagami began cooking he could feel the presence of someone slightly taller than him come up from behind before giving him a back hug.

"What are you doing?" He asks looking at the tanned skin male.

"Giving you a hug what else?" He responded.

"I'm cooking, you shouldn't be near the stove-"

"I'm not a little kid Taiga."

Strangers with Benefits ~ Aomine x KagamiKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat