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Third Person Pov ~


After Kagami's punishments were over with, days had passed since the two had spoken with each other. They were always in the same room but Kagami refused to speak a word to Aomine and Aomine had basically given up trying to even start a conversation with the red head.

Kagami wasn't really mad at Aomine in any way, but he was a bit upset at the fact that Aomine couldn't understand the word stop. If he had stopped that night then Kagami wouldn't have gotten punishment.

Another reason Kagami refused to talk to Aomine was because he was actually quite embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

Usually he doesn't get all embarrassed like this but the sounds that Aomine evoked from him was absurd. And the faces he made, he'd never imagine himself making those faces in a million years. He even let himself go into over stimulation because of the blue headed prick.

Aomine witnessed all of it, and that was the most embarrassing part about it all.

Kagami was walking around looking into other empty cells. It was lunch time, he didn't have anything to do but walk around. It was the same damn thing everyday.

Without Aomine to take up all that boring time, he just walked around. He did it to pass time.

And whenever he'd get the sudden urge to have sex, he'd always hide in the bathroom whenever it was empty to relieve himself of his erection. He didn't want Aomine to know about his urges at all.

It was only because he had gotten used to them having sex almost everyday. Now he'd have to get used to not having sex everyday. And that was a good thing. Sex isn't good for the brain anyway.

He sighed hoping that he wouldn't run into the bluenette at all today until it was time to head back to their cells.

Also.. Within the time that Kagami had been punished, it was decided that he'd have to head back to court.. They were going to determine the real date of when he would be let out of prison.

Kagami was extremely nervous about it, he'd wonder if his sentence would be extended, stay the same or would it be reduced?.. He just hoped that it was anything but increased..

It was only 3 more years that he'd have to stay here, he didn't know what he'd do if he had to stay longer than that. He's been keeping himself sane by reminding himself that 3 years wasn't that long. If those years were to be extended.. He'd probably off himself without another thought about it.

Or.. He'd fall into a deeper depression than he already had been in now and end up losing his smile and personality completely.. He wouldn't even know who he was anymore.

Kagami runs a hand through his hair leaning on a wall and shutting his eyes. Lots were going through his head. There was nothing he could do about that though, I mean.. His life has always been hectic.

If only that girl had left him alone.. Maybe things would be different.. And he wouldn't be in here. Kagami's thought about that a lot in his 5 years of being in prison. If none of this had happened, he'd have been living a pretty good life.

Before he was locked up and framed for all sorts of shit, he had just gotten a new job.. One that payed well and was just right for him. He was still 15 at the time so he was working hard so that he could buy his own things.

Now that he's lost that life, it's almost impossible for him to get it back. He'd be better off dead.. It wasn't like he could just go back to living the way he used to.

But maybe that was better for him though.. It might be tough, but he could still at least try. Even if there's no guarantee that he can do it all on his own.

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