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Third Person Pov ~


"Hey, doesn't it seem like Taiga is more happy now after hanging with that guy?" Momoi questions the rest of the group who were following behind the two watching as Kagami dragged Aomine behind him.

"Yeah, that's true." Akashi agrees. "But I wouldn't expect anything less from Mr. Uninvited guest."

"What!? That's him!?" Momoi yells.


"What's so bad about that?" Kise questions curious. "Is there.. Perhaps something going on between them?"

"Taiga likes Mr. uninvited guest. He told us he's known him for a few years now and their just now able to meet and talk again."

Kise's eyes widen as he stares ahead at the two again.

"Satsuki, you revealed too much information. It's not our place to tell his business." Akashi says.

"I'm sure it'll be fine, we can trust Kise." Momoi smiles. "Though it is tough hearing that the man that I love likes someone else though." Momoi frowns.

"You too?.." Kise blurts out. He realized what he said and covered his mouth quickly.

"What? You like Taiga too Kise?"

"Well, what a turn of events." Akashi chuckles. "What do you think about all this Atsushi?" Akashi asks.

"I don't care." The giant responds opening a lollipop.

Midorima clears his throat. It seems that everyone else forgot he was walking along side them.

"I saw Mr. Aomine outside of Mr. Kagami's house one time when I had dropped him home." He said catching everyone else's attention.

"Is that so? I saw him inside of his house the night everyone went out for a drink." Akashi says furrowing his brows. "Maybe their living together?"

"No way, Mr. Kagami would never live with someone like him!" Kise yells out. He didn't want it to be true. If it was then that could only mean one thing. That one thing being that Aomine and his boss were in a relationship and lived together.

That would be the only other valid information he could get out of that. He wouldn't believe it if it was something other than that.

"But don't you find it strange he was inside of his house that late at night? And I mean, he looked pretty comfy too, wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt." Akashi says.

"Talking about this amongst ourselves will get us nowhere, we should just go ask them directly!" Momoi states.

"But what happens if they deny?"

"Well then we'll get to the bottom of it ourselves."

"That's invading his privacy Satsuki. Have you forgotten that he's also our boss?"

"Of course not, he's also our friend. This is just us letting our curiosity get the better of us. And plus, Taiga isn't the type to be too mad at us for something like that."

"Then that would be us taking advantage of his kindness." Akashi squints at the pinkette.

"Nooo, your not understanding where I'm going with this."

"I have a pretty good idea of where your going with this but I won't let you go through with it."

Momoi pouts.

"Whatever, your no fun."


"Daiki, Where do you wanna go eat?" Kagami asks.

Strangers with Benefits ~ Aomine x KagamiWhere stories live. Discover now